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Report Viewer SDK license key errors

Licensing error popup is displayed with various messages under different circumstances. Here are some ways to resolve different issues.

License key not registered

The following error message will be shown if Bold license key was not registered in your application.

Error message:

This application was built using a trial version of Bold Reports. Please include a valid license to permanently remove this license validation message. You can also obtain a free 30 day evaluation license to temporarily remove this message during the evaluation period. Please refer to this help topic for more information.


Generate a valid license key from here for a specific version.

Invalid key

If the application is registered with an invalid key, another version of license key, or another platform’s license key, the following error message will pop up when launching the application.

Error Message:

The included Bold license is invalid. Please refer to this help topic for more information.


Generate a valid license key from here for a specific version.

Trial Expired

The following error message will be shown if the trial key has expired after 30 days.

Error Message:

Your Bold trial license has expired. Please refer to this help topic for more information.


Purchase from here to get a valid Bold license.

License Expired

The following error message will be shown if the license key has expired.

Error Message:

Your Bold license has expired. Please refer to this help topic for more information.


Purchase from here to get Bold license.

Platform Mismatch

If the application is registered with another platform’s license key, the following error message will pop up when launching the application.

Error Message:

The included Bold license is invalid (Platform mismatch). Please refer to this help topic for more information.


Generate a valid license key from here platform.

Version Mismatch

If the application is registered with another version’s license key, the following error message will pop up when launching the application.

Error Message:

The included Bold license ({Registered Version}) is invalid for version {Required version}. Please refer to this help topic for more information.


Generate a valid license key from here platform.

Could not load Bold.Licensing.dll assembly version

Make sure that all the referenced Bold assembles are of the same version. Try cleaning and rebuilding the application to resolve assembly conflict issues.