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Using the Bold Reports On-Premise REST API, you can manage and change Bold Reports resources programmatically via HTTP. The API gives you simple access to the functionality behind the resources on a Bold Reports. You can use this access to create your own custom applications or to script interactions with Bold Reports resources.

For Bold Reports Enterprise, the API path will be https://{Domain}/reporting/api/site/{TenantIdentifier}/{ApiEndpoint}

For example,

API Versions

API References Try It Now Description
Rest API-v1.0 Try It Now-v1.0 Manage(retrieve, add, update and delete) groups and users in your Bold Reports site.
Rest API-v2.0 Try It Now-v2.0 Manage groups and items, in your Bold Reports site.
Rest API-v3.0 Try It Now-v3.0 Manage items in your Bold Reports site.
Rest API-v4.0 Try It Now-v4.0 Manage items in your Bold Reports site.