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Get an embed code of report

This section explains how to get an embed code for a report from Bold Reports® On-Premise to use in your web application. Embedded server reports provide the option to render the reports in other web applications. Follow these steps to embed server reports in other web applications.

Getting an embed URL

  1. To get the embed URL, click the Share icon of the respective report.

    Share Icon

  2. Click the Get Embed Code link in the Share dialog box.

    Disabled Comment

  3. By Default, the Reports Comments and Views options are disabled. You can enable these options by sliding the button in the Embed dialog box.

    Sliding Option

    Report Comments The report comment panel will be shown in the embedded view if this parameter is enabled.
    Views The report views panel will be shown in the embedded view if the parameter is enabled.

    Steps to embed report using the embed URL

    1. Copy the embed URL by clicking the copy icon from the Embed Code dialog box. Embed URL

    2. Embed the copied URL into other web application using the following code snippet.

        <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
        <meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding">
        <div id="report">
      <iframe src='http://localhost:61405/reporting/en-us/site/site1/reports/81cd3e3e-d611-4ef8-9762-8012bae416be/Sample%20Reports/Grouping%20Aggregate?isembed=true' id='report-frame' width='100%' height='720px' allowfullscreen frameborder='0'></iframe>

    Run the web application. It will display either the login window or the report, depending on the type of the report. Click login and enter with valid user credentials. The report will then render automatically. Embed Login Page

    Embed Report

    Public embedding

    If you want to embed the report without user authentication, make the report public and embed it. The public report will be rendered automatically without requiring credentials. Note that you cannot enable the comments panel for public report embedding.

    Embedding the public report will not work when the public report setting is disabled. Learn more about the report settings in the Report Settings Guide.

    Private embedding

    Private reports can be embedded and are accessible to users in Bold Reports® who have read permission. These users will be required to log in to the Bold Reports® server before the report is rendered. Thus, the embedded report will show the login page whenever private reports are embedded and the user is not yet authenticated.

    By default, report access mode is set to private until it is changed to public by the owner of the report.