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Fields options can be used to create a new field when a required information is not directly available in the retrieved dataset. It will also allows you to change the column names of the existing fields in the dataset.

Refer Create Data section and create a data in report designer.

Create calculated field

  1. Select a data in the DATA panel to which you want to add fields. Data item menu icon
  2. Click on the above highlighted icon, the context menu will open with list of options. Data context menu
  3. Then, click on the Fields... option in the menu. Now, the available fields in the selected dataset will be listed in the Fields dialog as shown below. Open field dialog
  4. To create a new calculated field, click on the Add button and choose Calculated Field in the menu. Add calculated field
  5. In the Field Name text box, type the unique name for the field. Calculated field name
  6. In the Field Source text box, enter the static value directly or set an Expression for the field. Here, =Month(Fields!OrderYear.Value) expression is assigned to the OrderMonth field. Set value for calculated fields
  7. Now, click on the OK button and the newly added field will be listed under the respective dataset. Field updated under dataset

The expression for a calculated field cannot contain aggregates and the field name must be unique in the dataset.

Set expression

Follow steps 1 - 5, to create calculated field.

  1. To edit/create an expression of the calculated field, click on the square icon and select Expression. expression-icon-shown
  2. Expression Builder will be open as shown below. open-expression-dialog

    To learn more about handling expressions in report designer refer Expressions section.

  3. Provide the required expression and click on OK button. open-expression-dialog
  4. The icon will be indicated in Black color, if the expression is applied to the dataset field. set-expression

Reset Expression

  1. To reset an expression, click on the square icon and select Reset. Select filter reset expression
  2. The icon will be indicated in White color, after reset action. After reset expression

Create query field

  1. Select a data in the DATA panel to which you want to add fields. Data item menu icon
  2. Click on the above highlighted icon, the context menu will open with list of options. Data context menu
  3. Then, click on the Fields... option in the menu. Now, the available fields in the selected dataset will be listed in the Fields dialog as shown below. Open field dialog
  4. To create a new query field, click on the Add button and choose Query Field in the menu. Add query field
  5. In the Field Name text box, type the unique name for the field. query field name
  6. In the Field Source text box, enter the name of an existing field on the data set. query field name
  7. Now, click on the OK button and the newly added field will be listed under the respective dataset. query field name

Delete field

Click on the Delete icon in the right corner to remove the required fields from the dataset.

Remove fields

Change field name

When you open the fields dialog, the available fields in the respective dataset will be listed in the Fields dialog as shown below.

Field dialog

To change the existing field name, modify the name in first textbox of the respective row and click on the OK button.

Field dialog

Now, the respective field name will be updated in the dataset collection and in the list view.

Field dialog