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How to configure custom map shapes

In on-premise server, we can configure the custom shape data to visualize it on map report item. To add custom shape data into on-premise application and use it report designer follow the below steps.

Place custom shape data file in installed location

In on-premise application, build-in shape data files are located at,

Version below 3.1

{Installed_location}\Bold Reports\Report Server\ReportService\bin\ShapeData.

Shape data installed location

Version above 3.1


Shape data installed location

Copy your shape data file and paste at this location. For example, storelocations.js

Version below 3.1

Shape data installed location

Version above 3.1

Shape data installed location

Add file entry

Once you paste the file in mentioned location, open mapshapes.txt file which is available in same location.

Version below 3.1

Shape data installed location

Version above 3.1

Shape data installed location

Add the entry of your file name and display name as shown below and save the file,

Shape data installed location

Visualize shape data on map

  1. Launch the on-premise application and create a new report. New report
  2. Drag a map into design area from item panel. New report
  3. The newly added shape data entry will be listed in the Shapes property drop-down under Basic Settings category. Shapes property

Refer Design a rdl report using map section to visualize shape data and analytical data using map report item.