Drill through can be used to create an interactive report which allows user to open an report by clicking the link within the main report.
To present data in the table, create a dataset and bind data to the table data region. In this designing section, the following dataset query is used for dataset creation.
SELECT PC.Name AS ProdCat, PS.Name AS SubCat, DATEPART(yy, SOH.OrderDate) AS OrderYear, 'Q' + DATENAME(qq, SOH.OrderDate) AS OrderQtr,SUM(SOD.UnitPrice * SOD.OrderQty) AS Sales
FROM Production.ProductSubcategory PS INNER JOIN
Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH INNER JOIN
Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD ON SOH.SalesOrderID = SOD.SalesOrderID INNER JOIN
Production.Product P ON SOD.ProductID = P.ProductID ON PS.ProductSubcategoryID = P.ProductSubcategoryID INNER JOIN
Production.ProductCategory PC ON PS.ProductCategoryID = PC.ProductCategoryID
WHERE (SOH.OrderDate BETWEEN '1/1/2002' AND '12/31/2003')
GROUP BY DATEPART(yy, SOH.OrderDate), PC.Name, PS.Name, 'Q' + DATENAME(qq, SOH.OrderDate), PS.ProductSubcategoryID
Refer Create Data section and create dataset using the above query.
database is used here.
Design the drill through report, before configuring the drill through action in the main report. Refer the Data bar report section and the report design will look like below.
Now, define a basic parameter and name it as Product Category
Then apply filter condition on the dataset to filter product category and its sub categories at dataset level.
Add a filter and choose Prodcat
Assign a Product Category
parameter as expression in the value field and click OK
Refer Dataset Filters section to apply filters at dataset level.
Now, design a main report and link the drill through report using Link
property. Here, we are going to configure the drill through action for chart series.
Refer the Pie chart section and design the report like below.
Open the chart properties,
Choose Sales1
series in choose series dropdown and click edit
The respective series properties will be listed in secondary panel.
Under Link
category, choose Report
option in Link To
In the Report
field, browse and set the path of already designed data bar report.
Click on Set Parameters
button. Now, the parameters dialog will open like below.
Click on ADD
option in the dialog to configure parameter values.
In the Parameter Name
field, select the parameter name of the selected report.
Provide the =Fields!ProdCat.Value
expression value in Parameter Value
field and click OK
Refer Link Report section to know more about report linking.
Now, click on the Preview
button and the report preview will look like normal pie chart.
Then click on any series in the report preview,
The sub-report displays sub-category wise sales amount of Bikes
product. Click on the Go to parent
icon to navigate from sub-report to main report.
Download the above report design from the links - Parent report and Child report