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Manage sites

This section briefly explains how to manage the sites and provides information about a site.

Suspend Site

You can suspend the site by clicking the Suspend option in Action Menu.

Suspend Site

Warning : If the site is suspended, users will not be able to access it.

Activate Site

You can activate the suspended site by clicking on the Activate option.

Activate Site

Edit Site

You can update the following information for the site using the Edit Site option.

  • Site Name
  • Site Domain
  • Site Identifier
  • Database User Credential

You can edit the site by clicking the Edit option in the menu.

Edit Site Button

After clicking the Edit option, the Edit Site dialog will open. Enter the site name, site domain, and site identifier, and then click the Next button to update the database user credentials.

Edit Site

After entering your database credentials, click the update button to update the site details.

Edit Database

Delete Site

You can delete the site and its database by clicking the Delete option.

Delete Site

NOTE: The database will not be deleted if there are any other tables present other than the Bold Reports® tables.

Site Information

By clicking the site name, you can see the site information.

Site Name


This section displays the basic information about the site, including:

  • Site Name
  • Site URL
  • Client Id
  • Client Secret

General Info

Site Users

This section shows the list of users who have access to the site.

Site Users

Grant Access

You can grant access to users by clicking the Grant Access button for this site.

Grant Access Option

After clicking the button, select the users from the list and grant access to the site.

Grant Access

Revoke Access

You can remove access for a single user by clicking Revoke Access.

Revoke Single User

You can remove access for multiple users by clicking the Revoke Access button.

Revoke Multiple Users

Add User

To grant access to new user, click the Add User button.

Add User Button

You can add the user by referring to the Add User.

The user will be added and granted access to the site.

Custom Attribute

You can learn how to configure Custom Attributes by visiting the Configure Custom Attribute Guide.

Switch Master Site

The site created during the initial deployment is designated as the master site but you have the option to switch it. Please refer below for guidance.

  • Click the create site button, then enable the Master Site option during site creation and proceed by selecting Yes to designate the site as the master site. Create Site Switch Master Site

  • Click Next to proceed further. Switch Master Site

  • Next, please select the Database, Storage type, and Administrator. For more information, please refer to the Create Site Documentation.

  • After the site’s creation, the newly established site took on the role of the master, while the existing site transitioned into the role of the slave.

    New master site

    Note: Clicking on the master site in the context menu allows you to designate it as the master. Switch Master Site