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Install Bold Reports® Enterprise Reporting in silent mode

This section explains how to install and deploy Bold Reports® Enterprise Reporting in silent mode. This silent installer can be included in your existing installation process.

Installing Bold Reports® Enterprise Reporting in command line

Please follow the below steps to install Bold Reports® Enterprise Reporting in silent mode.

  1. First, you need to download the BoldReports_EnterpriseReporting.exe from your account.

  2. Run the downloaded BoldReports_EnterpriseReporting.exe by double-clicking it. The installer wizard automatically opens and extracts the package into the %temp% folder.

  3. The file boldreports_enterprisereporting(version)(timestamp).exe file will be extracted into the %temp% directory.

  4. Run %temp%., and then Temp folder will be opened. The boldreports_enterprisereporting(version)(timestamp).exe file will be present in one of the temp folders. The folder name will start with is.


  5. Copy the extracted boldreports_enterprisereporting(version)(timestamp).exe file and paste it on any of the local drives.

  6. Exit the Wizard.


  7. Open the Windows command prompt in Administrator mode and navigate to the boldreportenterprisereport(version)(timestamp).exe file location, which has been copied and pasted to the local drive.

  8. Provide the necessary arguments in the below command to install the above Bold Reports Enterprise Edition installer in silent mode.


    boldreports_enterprisereporting_(version)_(timestamp).exe /Install Silent /InstallPath:{Location to install} /IISPortNo:{Port_No} /IISSiteName:{siteName} /IsSetFirewall:{true/false} /IsDesktopShortcut:{true/false} /IsStartMenuShortcut:{true/false} /IsSilentStartUp:{true/false} /JsonFilePath:{Location of the Startup JSON file path}
  9. You can install the Bold Reports® Enterprise Edition installer in two ways.

    a. Configuring the application startup details during the installation

    b. Silent installation alone without providing the application startup details

Configuring the application startup details during the installation

If you need to set the application configuration details during the setup installation itself, you can use this parameter list.

Once the silent installation is completed, your application will be configured by default, and you can proceed to use the boldreports.

Download the application_startup JSON file and provide ServerConfiguration and UmsConfiguration details in the application_startup.json file.

We have to provide Database, Storage and Site details in ServerConfiguration




NOTE: We don’t need to provide DataStoreConfiguration details, as they are only required for BoldBI. Hence, we can ignore them.

We have to provide Database, Storage, User and unlockkey details in UmsConfiguration

Please follow the below steps to get an unlock key

  1. Go to Bold Reports® Account and login with your account credentials.
  2. Go to the Subscriptions section.
  3. Click the Get Offline License Key File to download the offline key.





After providing your inputs in the file, set IsSilentStartUp to true and provide the path of JSON file to the installer as an argument.





Silent installation alone without providing the application startup details

If you don’t want to provide the application startup configuration details during the silent installation, then set IsSilentStartUp to false and proceed with the installation.





Once the setup installation is completed, you can provide the startup details in the Bold Reports® application itself and configure it. Refer to the application startup guide for more information on application startup.