Starting from Bold Reports® version 7.1, we now provide support for installing and upgrading Bold Reports® using an RPM package.
Before installing Bold Reports®, ensure that the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository is installed on your machine. If it is not installed, run the following command:
sudo dnf install
Configure the Bold Reports® yum repository by creating a file named boldreports.repo in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory with the following content:
name=Bold Reports Repository
Once the repository is configured, install the Bold Reports® package using the following command:
dnf install boldreports
After the package is installed, ensure that Nginx is enabled and started by running the following commands.
systemctl enable nginx
systemctl start nginx
Then, navigate to /opt/boldreports/boldreports-package/ and run the following command to install Bold Reports®.
sudo bash -i {new} -u {user} -h {host URL} -n {true or false}
eg : sudo bash -i new -u root -h -n true
Please refer to the documentation below to configure Nginx for SSL.
Run the following command to upgrade Bold Reports® and wait until the script completes the upgrade process:
dnf upgrade or dnf upgrade boldreports
Once the package is upgraded, you will see the following message. You can then access the application and verify the version.
The above command checks the Bold Reports® repository and upgrades the application if an updated version is available. If no upgrade is available, it will display the following message.
Note: To clear the DNF package cache and refresh the repository metadata, run the following commands:
sudo dnf clean all
sudo dnf makecache —refresh