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Installing and Upgrading Bold Reports® Using an RPM Package

Starting from Bold Reports® version 7.1, we now provide support for installing and upgrading Bold Reports® using an RPM package.

Installation Steps

  • Before installing Bold Reports®, ensure that the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository is installed on your machine. If it is not installed, run the following command:

    sudo dnf install
  • Configure the Bold Reports® yum repository by creating a file named boldreports.repo in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory with the following content:

    name=Bold Reports Repository
  • Once the repository is configured, install the Bold Reports® package using the following command:

    dnf install boldreports
  • After the package is installed, ensure that Nginx is enabled and started by running the following commands.

    systemctl  enable nginx
    systemctl start nginx
  • Then, navigate to /opt/boldreports/boldreports-package/ and run the following command to install Bold Reports®.

    sudo bash -i {new} -u {user} -h {host URL} -n {true or false}
    eg : sudo bash -i new -u root -h -n true
  • Please refer to the documentation below to configure Nginx for SSL.

    Configure Nginx for SSL

Steps to Upgrade Bold Reports®

  • Run the following command to upgrade Bold Reports® and wait until the script completes the upgrade process:

    dnf upgrade or dnf upgrade boldreports
  • Once the package is upgraded, you will see the following message. You can then access the application and verify the version. Reports Version

  • The above command checks the Bold Reports® repository and upgrades the application if an updated version is available. If no upgrade is available, it will display the following message. Check Upgraded Version Available

Note: To clear the DNF package cache and refresh the repository metadata, run the following commands:
sudo dnf clean all
sudo dnf makecache —refresh