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The Bold Reports® On-Premise Edition is an end-to-end solution for creating, managing, and sharing interactive business reports. It includes a powerful report server application for easily composing, managing, and sharing reports.

Prerequisites for Windows

Hardware Requirements

The following hardware requirements are necessary to run the Bold Reports® On-Premise Edition:

  • Operating System: Windows Client OS 8+ , Windows Server OS 2012 R2+
  • CPU: 4-core, 2.4 GHz or faster, 32 bit or 64 bit processor.
  • Memory: 8 GB of RAM for 32 bit or 64 bit.
  • Hard drive: 2 GB of free space or more (only installation files)

Software Requirements

The following software requirements are necessary to run the Bold Reports® Enterprise Reporting Edition:

Prerequisites for Linux

Hardware requirements

The following hardware requirements are necessary to run the Bold Reports® Enterprise edition:

  • Operating System: Bold Reports® Linux can run on different Linux distributions and has been verified on the following operating system:
    • Ubuntu 18+ LTS
  • CPU: 4-core.
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM.
  • Disk Space: 5 GB or more.

Software requirements

The following software requirements are necessary to run the Bold Reports® Enterprise edition:

  • Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2012+ | PostgreSQL | MySQL
  • Web Server: Nginx or Apache
  • Web Browser: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Chrome.

Registration and Download

Please follow the below steps to install the Bold Reports® Enterprise Reporting build.

  1. Visit the Bold Reports® website to register and download the Bold Reports® Enterprise Reporting build.
  2. Please click on the ‘Sign In’ icon to proceed. Bold Reports<sup>®</sup> Enterprise
  3. Sign in using different options if you have an existing account. Bold Reports<sup>®</sup> sign in option
  4. You can also create a new account by clicking the Sign Up option mentioned in the above image. Bold Reports<sup>®</sup> sign up option
  5. Once the account is created, you will be redirected to your Bold reports account page. Simply click the desired file type to download it. Bold Reports<sup>®</sup> download option

See Also