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How to set up Azure Active Directory for SSO authentication in Bold Reports®

This section explains how to perform Single Sign-On (SSO) for users in Azure Active Directory with the Bold Reports® application.

NOTE: This configuration has to been done in the Azure Portal.


  • An Azure account with Active Directory support is required.
  • Install the Bold Reports® application and log in using an administrator account.

Steps to set up Bold Reports® to perform Single Sign-On

  1. Login to the URL {Bold Reports<sup>®</sup> URL}/ums/administration/sso?view=azure-ad-settings using the admin credentials.

  2. Click on Settings in the left menu.


  3. Click Authentication, then navigate to the Azure AD tab and save the following fields in UMS settings:


    NOTE: Refer to the following link to register the Bold Reports® web application and Bold Reports® mobile application in Azure Active Directory.

    *Application Id: Navigate to the registered application, click on Overview, and then copy the Application Id to paste it.


    *Application Id URI: Navigate to the registered application, click on Overview, and then copy the Application Id URI to paste it.


    *Tenant Name: Navigate to the created Azure Active Directory and copy the domain name from the Overview section.


    *Mobile App Client ID: Navigate to the registered application for the Bold Reports® mobile application. Copy the Application ID and paste it.


  4. Now, click save. After the values are saved, the application will be restarted to apply the settings.