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Load Bold Report Server reports

You can embed the Bold Report Server reports in the Report Viewer easily without creating a Web API service. Bold Report Server provides the built-in Web API service that helps you to display the server reports.

To get started, create a Blazor Server App template application and name it BlazorReportingTools using Visual Studio 2022. If this template is not available, refer to this link to configure the system environment.

The source code for this Blazor reporting components app is available on GitHub.

To get started quickly with Report Viewer, you can check this video:

Create Blazor Server application

  1. Start Visual Studio 2022 and click Create new project.

  2. Choose Blazor Server App, and then click Next.

    Blazor Server

  3. Change the project name, and then click Next.

  4. Select Blazor server app, and then click Create

    Blazor Server Info

List of dependency libraries

  1. In the Solution Explorer tab, right-click the project or solution , and choose Manage NuGet Packages. Alternatively, go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution menu command.
  2. Search for BoldReports.Net.Core, System.Data.SqlClient and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson packages, and install them in your Blazor application. The following table provides details about the packages and their usage.
Package Purpose
BoldReports.AspNet.Core Creates Web API service is used to process the reports.
System.Data.SqlClient Should be referenced in the project when the RDL report renders visual data from the SQL Server or SQL Azure data source based on the RDL design. The package version should be higher than 4.1.0.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson ASP.NET Core MVC features that use Newtonsoft.Json. Includes input and output formatter for JSON and JSON Patch. The package version should be higher than 3.1.2.

Refer to the NuGet Packages section to learn more details about installing and configuring Report Viewer NuGet packages.

Refer scripts and CSS

Directly refer all the required scripts and style sheets from CDN links.

  1. The following scripts and style sheets are mandatorily required to use the Report Viewer.

    • jquery.min.js
    • bold.reports.common.min.js
    • bold.reports.widgets.min.js
  2. Reference the following online CDN links along with the boldreports-interop.js interop file in the head section of Pages/_Host.cshtml to use our JavaScript reporting controls in the Blazor application.

<!-- Report Viewer component styles -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- Report Viewer component dependent script -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Report Viewer component script -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Blazor interop file -->
<script src="~/scripts/boldreports-interop.js"></script>

Report Server Configuration to render the report

Report Viewer requires the serviceAuthorizationToken, reportPath and reportServiceUrl to embed the reports. You can provide the information from report server as like explained below,

  • reportServiceUrl – Report Server Reporting Service information should be provided for this API.
  • reportServerUrl- Report Server Reporting Server information should be provided for this API.
  • serviceAuthorizationToken – Authorization token to communicate with reportServiceUrl.
  • reportPath - Path of report need to formed with information for category and report name as like /{category name}/{report name}

Initialize Report Viewer

  • Create a Data/BoldReportOptions.cs class with the following code to hold the RDL report rendering properties.


namespace BlazorReportingTools.Data
    public class BoldReportViewerOptions
        public string ReportPath { get; set; }
        public string ServiceURL { get; set; }
        public string ServerURL { get; set; }
        public string AuthorizationToken { get; set; }
  • Create a boldreports-interop.js file inside the wwwroot/scripts folder and use the following code snippet to invoke the Bold Report Viewer JavaScript control.
// Interop file to render the Bold Report Viewer component with properties.
window.BoldReports = {
    RenderViewer: function (elementID, reportViewerOptions) {
        $("#" + elementID).boldReportViewer({
            reportPath: reportViewerOptions.reportPath,
            reportServiceUrl: reportViewerOptions.serviceURL,
            reportServerUrl: reportViewerOptions.serverURL,
            serviceAuthorizationToken: reportViewerOptions.authorizationToken
  • Open index.razor page. Remove existing code and add the following code
@page "/"

@using Microsoft.JSInterop
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components
@inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime
@using BlazorReportingTools.Data;

<div id="report-viewer" style="width: 100%;height: 950px"></div>

@code {
    // ReportViewer options
    BoldReportViewerOptions viewerOptions = new BoldReportViewerOptions();

    // Used to render the Bold Report Viewer component in Blazor page.
    public async void RenderReportViewer()
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("BoldReports.RenderViewer", "report-viewer", viewerOptions);
    // Initial rendering of Bold Report Viewer
    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)

If you need to know the difference between reportServiceUrl and reportServerUrl, refer to the Difference between Report Service URL and Report Server URL.

You can follow one of the procedure from below based on your Report Server type,

Enterprise Reporting Server

  • Generate token with your user credentials and assign it to serviceAuthorizationToken. You can refer to the documentation here, to generate the token by using credentials.
public async void RenderReportViewer()
        viewerOptions.AuthorizationToken = "bearer <server token>";
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("BoldReports.RenderViewer", "report-viewer", viewerOptions);

You can refer to the documentation here on how to generate the token within an application.

  • Set the Bold Report Server built-in service URL to the report-service-url property. The report-service-url property value should be in format of https://<<Report server name>>/reporting/reportservice/api/Viewer.
public async void RenderReportViewer()
        viewerOptions.ServiceURL = "";
        viewerOptions.AuthorizationToken = "bearer <server token>";
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("BoldReports.RenderViewer", "report-viewer", viewerOptions);
  • Set the Bold Report Server built-in server URL to the report-server-url property. The report-server-url property value should be in format of https://<<Report server name>>/reporting/api/site/<<site name>>.
public async void RenderReportViewer()
        viewerOptions.ServiceURL = "";
        viewerOptions.ServerURL = "";
        viewerOptions.AuthorizationToken = "bearer <server token>";
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("BoldReports.RenderViewer", "report-viewer", viewerOptions);
  • Set the path of report in report-path property. You can use the following complete code in your index.cshtml page.
public async void RenderReportViewer()
        viewerOptions.ReportPath = "/Sample Reports/Sales Order Detail";
        viewerOptions.ServiceURL = "";
        viewerOptions.ServerURL = "";
        viewerOptions.AuthorizationToken = "bearer <server token>";
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("BoldReports.RenderViewer", "report-viewer", viewerOptions);

You can also load the report using GUID instead of report location. Set the GUID of the report in the report-path property as report-path: ‘91f24bf1-e537-4488-b19f-b37f77481d00’.

Cloud Reporting server

  • Generate token with your user credentials and assign it to serviceAuthorizationToken. You can refer the documentation here, to generate the token by using credentials.
public async void RenderReportViewer()
        viewerOptions.AuthorizationToken = "bearer <server token>";
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("BoldReports.RenderViewer", "report-viewer", viewerOptions);

You can refer to the documentation here on how to generate the token within an application.

  • Set the Bold Report Server built-in service URL to the report-service-url property. The report-service-url property value is a
public async void RenderReportViewer()
        viewerOptions.ServiceURL = "";
        viewerOptions.AuthorizationToken = "bearer <server token>";
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("BoldReports.RenderViewer", "report-viewer", viewerOptions);
  • Set the Bold Report Server built-in server URL to the report-server-url property. The report-server-url property value should be in format of https://<<Report server name>>/reporting/api/.
public async void RenderReportViewer()
        viewerOptions.ServiceURL = "";
        viewerOptions.ServerURL = "";
        viewerOptions.AuthorizationToken = "bearer <server token>";
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("BoldReports.RenderViewer", "report-viewer", viewerOptions);
  • Set the path of report in report-path property. You can use the following complete code in your index.cshtml page.
public async void RenderReportViewer()
        viewerOptions.ReportPath = "/Sample Reports/Sales Order Detail";
        viewerOptions.ServiceURL = "";
        viewerOptions.ServerURL = "";
        viewerOptions.AuthorizationToken = "bearer <server token>";
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("BoldReports.RenderViewer", "report-viewer", viewerOptions);

You can also load the report using GUID instead of report location. Set the GUID of the report in the report-path property as report-path: ‘91f24bf1-e537-4488-b19f-b37f77481d00’.