You can embed Report Designer with Report Server to create, edit, browse and publish reports using the Report Server built-in API service.
Follow this steps to integrate Report Server with Bold Reports® Designer version higher than
Right-click the project/solution in the Solution Explorer tab, and choose Manage NuGet Packages…
. Alternatively, select the Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution menu command.
Refer to the NuGet Packages to learn more details about installing and configuring Report Designer NuGet packages.
Search for BoldReports.Web
, BoldReports.Mvc5
, and BoldReports.JavaScript
NuGet packages, and install them in your MVC application.
Package | Purpose |
BoldReports.Web |
Used to create Web API service for processing the reports. |
BoldReports.Mvc5 |
Contains tag helpers to create client-side web Report Designer control. |
BoldReports.JavaScript |
Contains Report Designer scripts and style sheets. |
Open ~/Views/Web.config
file and add the BoldReports.Mvc
namespace under the namespaces
<add namespace="BoldReports.Mvc"/>
Set the UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled to false in Web.config
file of root directory as shown in the below image.
Add the listed references in the same order as follows. You can replace the following code in the \Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>@ViewBag.Title - My ASP.NET Application</title>
<div style="height: 600px;width: 100%;">
<!-- Report Designer component dependent scripts -->
<!-- Report Viewer and Designer component scripts -->
@RenderSection("scripts", required: false)
Refer to the Dependencies to learn more details about web Report Designer dependent scripts and style sheets links.
Open the ~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
page and add the Script Manager at the end of <body>
element as in the following code sample.
<!-- Bold Reporting ScriptManager -->
The main reason for referring to the Script manager in
_Layout file
is that, it can be referred as common by all the View files present within your application.
Using Bold()
tag, add the Bold Report Designer component in any web page (cshtml
) of your application in the ~/Views
The Report Designer requires the serviceAuthorizationToken
, serviceUrl
and reportServerUrl
to perform the API actions with Bold Report Server. You can provide the information from report server as like explained below,
– Report Server Reporting Service information should be provided for this API.
– Authorization token to communicate with reportServiceUrl.
- Report Server Reporting Server information should be provided for this API.
You can follow one of the procedure from below based on your Report Server type,
Generate token with your user credentials and assign it to serviceAuthorizationToken. You can refer to the documentation here, to generate the token by using credentials.
.ServiceAuthorizationToken("bearer <server token>")
You can refer to the documentation here on how to generate the token within an application.
Set the Bold Report Server built-in service URL to the ServiceUrl
property. The ServiceUrl
property value should be in format of https://<<Report server name>>/reporting/reportservice/api/Designer
.ServiceAuthorizationToken("bearer <server token>")
Set the Bold Report Server built-in server URL to the ReportServerUrl
property. The ReportServerUrl
property value should be in format of https://<<Report server name>>/reporting/api/site/<<site name>>
.ServiceAuthorizationToken("bearer <server token>")
Generate token with your user credentials and assign it to serviceAuthorizationToken. You can refer the documentation here, to generate the token by using credentials.
.ServiceAuthorizationToken(" bearer <server token>")
You can refer to the documentation here on how to generate the token within an application.
Set the Bold Report Server built-in service URL to the ServiceUrl
property. The ServiceUrl
property value is a
.ServiceAuthorizationToken(" bearer <server token>")
Set the Bold Report Server built-in server URL to the ReportServerUrl
property. The ReportServerUrl
property value should be in format of https://<<Report server name>>/reporting/api/
.ServiceAuthorizationToken(" bearer <server token>")