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Export custom properties

This topic explains the list of custom properties that are supported at the report level to control the export behaviour in ASP.NET Core Report Viewer.

Improve excel export performance

The custom property DisableExcelCellFormat helps to improve the excel export performance by ignoring the rendering of report item styles. It allows property value from anyone of the following values.

  • Style - Disables rendering of the cell styles like padding, background, color, and text style
  • Border - Disables rendering of the cell border
  • All - Disables rendering of the cell border, padding, background, color, and text style

Set the property value as All to improve maximum excel export performance.

You can set the DisableExcelCellFormat custom property as shown below, Shows the configuration of disabling excel cell format in custom property dialog

The DisableExcelCellFormat property must be added to report properties.

Improve excel export readability

Set ExcelLayoutOption custom property value as IgnoreCellMerge to improve the readability of the excel document by eliminating the tiny columns, rows, and merged cells. You can set the property value, as shown below, Shows configuration of excel layout option property in custom property dialog

The ExcelLayoutOption property must be added to report properties.

Set pdf conformance level

The PdfConformanceLevel allows you set PDF document versions.

You can set anyone of the following PDF conformance option.

  • Pdf_A1B - You can create a Pdf_A1B document by specifying the conformance level as Pdf_A1B through PdfConformanceLevel Enum when creating the new PDF document.
  • Pdf_A2B - You can create a Pdf_A2B document by specifying the conformance level as Pdf_A2B through PdfConformanceLevel Enum when creating the new PDF document
  • Pdf_A3B - The PDF_A3B conformance supports the external files as attachment to the PDF document, so you can attach any document format such as Excel, Word, HTML, CAD, or XML files.
  • Pdf_A1A - This conformance includes all Pdf_A1B requirements in addition to the features intended to improve a document’s accessibility. PDF/A-1a conformance additionally have crucial properties of Tagged PDF.
  • Pdf_A2A - This conformance includes all PDF_A2B requirements in addition to the features intended to improve a document’s accessibility. PDF/A-2a conformance additionally have crucial properties of Tagged PDF.
  • Pdf_A2U - This conformance includes all Pdf_A2U requirements, and additionally Unicode mapping for all text in the document.
  • Pdf_X1A2001 - You can create a PDF/X-1a document by specifying the conformance level as Pdf_X1A2001 through PdfConformanceLevel Enum when creating the new PDF document.

You can set the PdfConformanceLevel custom property as shown below,

Shows the configuration of pdf conformance level in custom property dialog

Export pdf document with complex script

The EnableComplexScript custom property allows you to export pdf documents with complex script language texts. You can set the property value, as shown below,

Shows configuration of enable complex script property in custom property dialog

Export pdf document with unique resource name

The EnableUniqueResourceNaming property allows you to create a PDF document with proper uniform resource naming. By default, the resource naming is added uniquely. Disabling the EnableUniqueResourceNaming property will create a PDF document with uniform resource names. You can set the property value as shown below:

Shows configuration of enable unqiue resource name property in custom property dialog

Measure Text Options in PDF Export

The MeasureTextOptions property allows you to specify how text size is measured during PDF export. This property supports the following options:

  • PdfFont- Text size is measured using the Pdf Font element, ensuring accurate measurement based on the font used in the document.
  • Default - Text size is measured using a framework element, providing a more general approach to text measurement.

You can configure the Measure Text Options property based on your requirements to ensure proper text rendering in the exported PDF document.

You can set the property value as shown below:

Shows configuration of Measure text options property in custom property dialog

Export pdf with table of contents

The EnableTableOfContents property adds a table of contents to the exported PDF. It utilizes the document structure defined in the report to generate the table of contents, making it easier to navigate through the content. Enable this property to include a structured table of contents in your PDF exports.

First, you need to configure the document map for report. Refer to Configure Document Map, then set the property value as shown below:

Shows configuration of enable of table of contents property in custom property dialog

Encrypt and secure export documents

The custom property DocumentOpenPassword allows you to protect the exported document such as PDF, Word, and Excel from unauthorized users by encrypting the document using the encryption password. You can set the property value, as shown below,

Shows configuration of document open password property in custom property dialog

open the pdf document and see the below output.

preview of document open password property in pdf export

Protecting Word document from editing

The custom property WordProtectionType allows you to restrict a Word document from editing either by providing a password or without a password by using following types of protection.

  • AllowOnlyComments- You can add or modify only the comments in the Word document.
  • AllowOnlyFormFields- You can modify the form field values in the Word document.
  • AllowOnlyRevisions- You can accept or reject the revisions in the Word document.
  • AllowOnlyReading- You can only view the content in the Word document.
  • NoProtection- You can access or edit the Word document contents as normally.

You can set the WordProtectionType custom property as shown below,

Shows the configuration of word protection type in custom property dialog

Set excel document edit password

The custom property DocumentEditPassword helps to allow specific users permission to modify the workbook data and save changes to the file in the excel document. You can set the property value, as shown below,

Shows the configuration of document edit password in custom property dialog

open the excel document and see the below output.

preview of document open password property in pdf export

Row height customization for word document

The custom property RowHeightType allows you to customize row height for a tablix item in word document by using the following types.

  • Exactly- The row height is fixed to a specified value. The row will not expand even if the content inside it requires more space.
  • AtLeast- The row height is set to a minimum value. The row can expand if the content inside it requires more space, ensuring that all content is visible.

You can set the RowHeightType custom property as shown below:

Shows the configuration of word protection type in custom property dialog

Set excel document protection

The custom property ExcelProtectionType allows you to protect the worksheet of excel document either by providing a password or without a password by using following types of protection.

  • None - Represents no protection in excel sheet
  • Objects - allows to protect shapes in excel sheet
  • Scenarios - allows to protect scenarios.
  • FormattingCells - allows the user to format any cell on a protected worksheet.
  • FormattingColumns - allows the user to format any column on a protected worksheet.
  • FormattingRows - allows the user to format any rows on a protected worksheet.
  • InsertingColumns - allows the user to insert columns on the protected worksheet.
  • InsertingRows - allows the user to insert rows on the protected worksheet.
  • InsertingHyperlinks - allows the user to insert hyperlinks on the worksheet.
  • DeletingColumns - allows the user to delete columns on the protected worksheet, where every cell in the column to be deleted is unlocked.
  • DeletingRows - allows the user to delete rows on the protected worksheet, where every cell in the row to be deleted is unlocked.
  • LockedCells - allows to protect locked cells.
  • Sorting - allows the user to sort on the protected worksheet
  • Filtering - allows the user to set filters on the protected worksheet. Users can change filter criteria but can not enable or disable an auto filter.
  • UsingPivotTables - allows the user to use pivot table reports on the protected worksheet.
  • UnLockedCells - allows to protect the user interface, but not macros.
  • Content - allows to protect the contents in the excel sheet.
  • All - allows to protect all type of protection.

You can set the ExcelProtectionType custom property as shown below,

Shows the configuration of Excel protection type in custom property dialog

Set comments for excel document

The custom property EnableCommentsForExcel enables the display of report item tooltip content as comments in Excel exports. When enabled, Tooltip associated with report items will be included as comments within the exported Excel file, providing additional context for users.

First, you need to set the tooltip for report item. Refer to Set Tooltip, then set the property value as shown below:

Shows the configuration of enabling comments for excel document in custom property dialog

Open the Excel document and see the output below:

preview of enable comments property in excel export

Handle print page settings for excel document

Below are descriptions of the three properties related to handling print page settings in Excel documents.

Property Description
FitToPagesTall Similar to the previous property, this one also aims to fit all content on a single page including images and charts, to ensure everything fits. Set an integer value of either 0 or 1.
FitToPagesWide Determines whether the content of the worksheet should be scaled to fit the width of a single page during printing. Set an integer value of either 0 or 1.
IsFitToPage Determines whether the content of the worksheet should be scaled to fit on a single page during printing when set as True. Excel will adjust the printout to fit within the specified page dimensions.

For choosing the page layout in the print settings:

  • To Fit All Columns On One Page: Need to set the API FitToPagesWide as 1 and FitToPagesTall as 0.
  • To Fit All Rows On One Page: Need to set the API FitToPagesWide as 0 and FitToPagesTall as 1.
  • To Fit sheet on one page : Need to set the API IsFitToPage as true.

You can set the property value as shown below:

Shows the configuration of document print page layout in custom property dialog

Customizing Unused Columns in Excel Export

The HideUnusedColumns property removes unused or empty columns from the exported Excel file. This ensures a cleaner and more organized output by excluding unnecessary columns.

You can set the property value as shown below:

Shows configuration of hide unused columns property in custom property dialog

Before enabling the hide unused columns property, the rows will be displayed as shown below.

Before hide unused columns property in excel export

Preview the Excel document and note that unused rows have been hidden.

preview of document hide unused columns property in excel export

Eliminate header in CSV document

The EliminateHeader property allows you to exclude the header of the tablix when exporting to CSV format. By enabling this property, the tablix headers will not appear in the exported CSV file, providing a clean data output. You can set the property value as shown below:

Shows configuration of Eliminate header property in custom property dialog

Before enabling the eliminate header property, the row header will be displayed as shown below.

Before eliminate header property in csv export

Preview the Excel document, and note that header have been eliminated.

After eliminate header property in csv export