Standalone Report Designer
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Download and installation

This section briefly describes the steps involved in download and installation of the Standalone Report Designer setup.

Register and download Standalone Report Designer

  1. Go to Standalone Report Designer download page.

  2. Fill the form input details to register new account or sign in with existing account. Account login page

  3. Once portal is created, you will be redirected to the download page. Product download page

  4. Click download, then select the file type to download. Standalone Report Designer setup download

Installing Standalone Report Designer

  1. Once setup is downloaded, run the installer from the saved location by clicking the Run button or by double-clicking the EXE file. Standalone Report Designer Installer Extraction

  2. Accept the License Agreement of Standalone Report Designer by clicking the License Terms and Conditions. Bold Reports license agreement

  3. Read and accept the Consent to install CefSharp binaries and dependencies and click Next.

    CefSharp is a lightweight .NET wrapper around the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) used for WPF web browser control implementations.

    CefSharp license agreement

  4. Choose the location where you would like to install the Standalone Report Designer setup and click Install. Path Selection Wizard

  5. Now, the installation begins. You can cancel the installation anytime by clicking Cancel, if you prefer. Progress bar Wizard

  6. On successful installation, the below screen appears. You can launch the application by clicking the Launch Application. Fininsh Wizard

  7. The installation wizard adds two separate application launchers Bold Reports Designer and Bold Reports RDLC Designer to your desktop, they are for creating and editing RDL and RDLC reports, respectively. Desktop Shortcuts

Difference between RDL and RDLC designer

Using the Bold Reports RDL Designer, one can design RDL standard reports (.rdl). On the other hand, Bold Reports RDLC Designer can be used to design RDLC standard reports (.rdlc). Both RDL and RDLC reports follow the same XML schema format. A detailed difference between RDL and RDLC designers are tabulated as follows.

RDL Designer RDLC Designer
It supports to design the 2008, 2010, and 2016 schema versions of Report Definition Language (RDL) report. The connection string and query details are stored within the report in the form of data source and data set It supports to design the 2008, 2010, and 2016 schema versions of Report Definition Language Client-side (RDLC) report. This format contains only meta-information of data set fields
It provides the in-build data connectors such as SQL, Oracle, OLEDB, ODBC, XML, and Rest API data sources. Report data are processed by the in-build connectors using the connection string and query details, which is stored in the respective RDL report It does not have any in-build data connectors, instead requires to manually build the data set fields and pass the data information to process the report
The RDL reports are ready to be published and uploaded to a SQL Reporting Server or Bold Report Server The RDLC reports are not suitable for server-side publishing and processing
The RDL designer is recommended for user who wants to publish reports into server and access them from multiple application using the single point (server) The RDLC designer is recommended for user who wants to maintain the copy of the report definition in application and pass data from application level to process report

The user can go with both RDL and RDLC designers for different purpose. The RDL designer is recommended for users who wants to publish reports into server and access them from multiple application using the single point (server). The RDLC designer is recommended for users who wants to maintain the copy of the report in application and pass data from application level to process report.