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Create a multi value report parameter

Multi Value Parameter is used to dynamically filter the report data based on more than one value. This section describes the steps required to create a multi value report parameter in Bold Report Designer.

Refer Create Parameter section for better understanding with the following steps.

Create new parameter

  1. Select Allow multiple values, to create a multi-value parameter.

    A multi-value parameter cannot include null values.

    Create new parameter

  2. Click on Assign Value >> to open parameter assign dialog. Parameter assign values dialog

  3. Select Query Value option under Available Value tab. Available value query value option

  4. Select the dataset and fields in the drop-down list and Click OK. Available values query value fields

  5. Save the parameter.

Filter a table data based on report parameter

Using the ProductID parameter, we can filter the ProductID field values at runtime like below.

  1. Select the table report item in design area. Select the table report item
  2. Click on the Properties icon in the configuration panel, to open table properties. Open table properties
  3. In Table properties, click on Set Filters... button. Table set filters button Refer Set filters section to create new filter expression.
  4. Choose the In operator and assign the ProductID parameter in the Value field. Save the filter. Open expression menu in filter dialog
  5. Click on the Preview button in the report header. Select the required values in drop-down list. Select multiple values to filter the records
  6. Click on the View Report button. Multi value parameter preview

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