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Design ssrs rdl report using table

The following steps guides you to design ssrs rdl report using table.

Add a table to the report

  1. The table report item is listed in the item panel under the Data Regions category. Tablix listed in item panel
  2. Drag and drop the table report item into the design area from the item panel. Drag and drop tablix report item into design area
  3. Respective table properties will be listed in the properties panel. Tablix item with properties view

Initial design

Once you drop the table item, the Table renders with two rows and three columns in the design area.

Tablix renders with fixed number of row and colums

Each cell in the table is nothing but a simple textbox. The cell in a list contains a rectangle. You can replace a default report item with a different report item.

Assign data fields

There are a few different ways to assign the fields into a table:

  • Drag and drop data fields from the DATA panel.
  • Select the field from the data assign menu provided in each cell.
  • Go to the textbox’s properties and assign field in Content property.

Drag and drop data fields

  1. Open the DATA panel and expand the required dataset. Sort dialog
  2. Drag a field from the list and drop into a required cell. Sort dialog

Assign fields using data assign menu

  1. Select the table cell and click on the Data assign menu icon to open data assign menu. Sort dialog

  2. Click on the required data field name in the menu. Sort dialog

    The fields of the dataset which is assigned to Dataset property of table will be listed in the menu.

  3. Now, the respective field will be assigned to the respective cell like below. Sort dialog

Textbox properties

  1. Select a cell in the table, now the respective textbox properties will be listed in the properties panel. Sort dialog
  2. In the Content property, type the value or set the data field using the expression editor.

    Refer Set expression section to open expression menu and to set expression.

  3. Here, the =Fields!Sales.Value expression is entered in the content property field to assign Sales data field into the respective cell. Sort dialog
  4. Now, the Sales field will be denoted in the respective cell like below. Sort dialog

Set header text

You can provide the header text for each column of the table in two ways:

Using data assign menu

  1. Select the table cell and click on the Data assign menu icon to open data assign menu. Sort dialog
  2. Click on Add Text option in the menu. Now, an Add Text dialog will be opened like below. Sort dialog
  3. Enter the header text in the textarea and click on the Add button. Sort dialog
  4. Now, the text will be displayed in the respective cell like below. Sort dialog

Set text in content property

  1. Select a cell in the table, now the respective textbox properties will be listed in the properties panel.
  2. In the Content property, type the header text in the content property textbox and press Enter. Sort dialog
  3. Now, the text will be displayed in the respective cell like below. Sort dialog

Resize the column

To improve the report readability, we can resize the table row height and column width.

  1. Place the mouse pointer in the respective column border. Resize the table column
  2. Drag the column gripper horizontally, to adjust the column width. Adjust column width of the table

Resize the row

  1. Place the mouse pointer in the respective row border. Resize the table row
  2. Drag the row gripper vertically, to adjust the row height. Adjust row height of the table

Final design

A simple table design will look like below.

Adjust row height of the table

Download the above report design from link.