Standalone Report Designer
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Create an embedded data source

This section guides you to create an embedded data source in Bold Report Designer. The embedded data source can only be used by the report in which it is embedded.

Add a new data source

To bind data to a report item, a minimum of one data source is needed. A data source can be created through the below steps:

  1. Click on the Data icon in the configuration panel. Data icon configuration panel

  2. In the Data panel, click on the DATASOURCE on the top-left corner. Data panel switcher icon

  3. In the DATASOURCE configuration panel, click on the NEW DATASOURCE button. New data source panel

  4. In the connection type panel, choose the data source type that you want to connect.

    Here, SQL connection type is used for demonstration.

    Connection types panel

  5. In the new connection panel,

    • In Name field, specify the data source name without special characters.
    • In Server Name field, you need to select existing server in the local network from the drop-down list or specify the specific remote server name like
    • In Authentication Type field, choose Windows or SQL Server authentication.
    • If you have chosen SQL Server authentication, specify the username and password of the server.
    • In Database field, choose or enter an existing valid database e.g. AdventureWorks. New connection panel
  6. Now, click on the Save button and the new embedded data source will be added in data source list pane like below. Data source list view

  7. The embedded data source is created in the report and it is ready to create/use the data.