Standalone Report Designer
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Data source

Bold Report Designer provides support to create an embedded or shared data source using built-in or data processing extension. You can have any number of data sources that connect to different local or server data bases. It provides connection to major data providers such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, OLEDB, ODBC, Web API, OData, JSON, and XML. for exploring data and designing reports with a wide range of data sources.

Embedded data source

Allows you to create an embedded data source with your own data connection. The embedded data source is specific to a report and you can use the connection string as expressions.

Custom data processing extensions

Provides support to add any additional data providers to connect to your own database or extend functionalities of the existing data providers. The .NET framework compatible custom data processing extensions need to be created using data extension interface. With minimal configurations, you can use any additional data source such as SASS, WebApi, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.

See also

Create Embedded Datasource

Edit Embedded Datasource

Delete Datasource

Duplicate Datasource

Reordering DataSources