Standalone Report Designer
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Create an embedded dataset

This section guides you to create an embedded dataset in Bold Report Designer.

Design query data

  1. Click the Data icon in the configuration panel to launch a Data configuration.

    Data icon configuration panel

  2. Click on the New Data button in Data panel.

    New data button

  3. In the connection type panel, click the data source type that you want to connect. Here, SQL connection type is used to demonstrate.

    Connection types panel

  4. In the new data source configuration panel, fill the server name and related details.

    New data source connection panel

  5. Click on the Connect button, now the following view will be displayed.

    Query designer full view

  6. You can edit the name of the Data in the Name field that is available in toolbar pane.

    Edit dataset name

  7. You can drag the tables and views associated with the connected database from left pane. Dragged table or view from the left pane can be dropped into the center pane labeled with Drag and Drop tables here like below.

    Drag and drop query table to design area

    After you drop the item into the center pane, it displays like below:

    Query designer with query table

  8. To search the table or view from the data collection, you can use the Search field in the left pane of the query designer.

    Query designer table search pane

Save Data

  1. Click on the Finish button in the tools pane. Finish data button
  2. Your dataset should now be listed in the Data panel like below. Data list view
  3. Expand the icon to view the data fields. Data fields list
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