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Expression Builder

Expressions provide great flexibility to control the content, style, data, value and behavior of your reports. Expressions must start with equal sign (=), if not the value will be considered as a string literal.


  1. Choose Options from the first drop-down list to set expression with Built-in-fields, Operators and Functions. expression-in-options
  2. Choose Data from the second drop-down list to set expression with Parameters and Dataset Fields. expression-in-data

Supported Expressions

The supported expression types and functions details are listed in the following table:

References Description Example
Built-in-fields Built-in fields collection are the global variables that are used in a report to specify the report name, page number, execution time. It includes Globals and the User collections. =Globals!ExecutionTime
Operators An operator is a symbol that represents to perform simple basic operation. It is used to combine references in an expression. =Globals!ExecutionTime+User!UserID
Functions Functions in an expressions is used to perform some basic functions like datetime, math, aggregate, text functions, conversion functions. =Round(1.3*5)/5
Parameters Represents the collection of report parameters, each of which with a parameter value. Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value
Dataset Fields Represents dataset fields collections in reports with dataset field value. Fields!EmployeeID.Value,"DataSet1"

Note: When mentioning expressions, it should be in a single line format, not in multiple lines.