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Generate Nuget

This topic explains how to build the source code add-on and how to generate Nuget packages in the source code add-on.


The below command will output a Source Code Add-On folder inside the base path.

npm install & gulp source-code-addon

After successfully executing the above command, you will get the compiled folder.

Folder Structure


Generate Nuget-packages

  1. Go to the Source Code Add On path.

    {system drive}:\Program Files (x86)\Bold Reports\Source Code Add On

  2. Open the config.json file in the Src folder.

  3. Mention the Nuget packages name in the config.json under the nugetPackages array, since support is provided for the below mentioned Nuget packages.

    - "BoldReports.Web",
    - "BoldReports.UWP",
    - "BoldReports.Net.Core",
    - "BoldReports.WPF",
    - "BoldReports.AspNet.Core",
    - "BoldReports.Mvc4",
    - "BoldReports.Mvc5",
    - "BoldReports.WebForms",
    - "BoldReports.Global",
    - "BoldReports.Javascript",
    - "BoldReports.Javascript.Extensions"
  4. Execute the below command to generate Nuget packages under ./Resources/nuget-packages.

    npm install & gulp build
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