Report Viewer SDK provides control panel to access samples and demos of Reporting components for the JavaScript, Angular, ASP.NET CORE, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, JSP, PHP, WPF and UWP platforms. To launch the Reporting Tools control panel, click the Desktop Shortcut or Start Menu -> Report Viewer SDK.
You can access the Report Viewer SDK demos using the following steps.
What’s New
content.Release Notes
content.Read Me
content.To preview the JavaScript demos, follow these steps:
2. Click Run Local Demos
to view the locally installed demos.
3. You can explore the demo sample application from the following installed location by clicking Explore Demos
%localappdata%\Bold Reports\Embedded Reporting\Samples\JavaScript
4. You can view the online demos from here.
To preview the Angular demos, follow these steps:
2. Click Run Local Demos
to view the locally installed demos.
3. You can explore the demo sample application from the following installed location by clicking Explore Demos
%localappdata%\Bold Reports\Embedded Reporting\Samples\Angular
4. You can view the online demos from here.
To preview the ASP.NET Core demos, follow these steps:
2. Click Run Local Demos
to view the locally installed demos.
3. You can explore the demo sample application from the following installed location by clicking Explore Demos
%localappdata%\Bold Reports\Embedded Reporting\Samples\ASP.NET Core
4. You can view the online demos from here.
To preview the ASP.NET MVC demos, follow these steps:
2. Click Run Local Demos
to view the locally installed demos.
3. You can explore the demo sample application from the following installed location by clicking Explore Demos
%localappdata%\Bold Reports\Embedded Reporting\Samples\ASP.NET MVC
4. You can view the online demos from here.
To preview the ASP.NET Web Forms demos, follow these steps:
2. Click Run Local Demos
to view the locally installed demos.
3. You can explore the demo sample application from the following installed location by clicking Explore Demos
%localappdata%\Bold Reports\Embedded Reporting\Samples\ASP.NET
4. You can view the online demos from here.
To preview the WPF demos, follow these steps:
2. You can explore the demo sample application from the following installed location by clicking Explore Demos
option to preview the WPF reporting demos.
%localappdata%\Bold Reports\Embedded Reporting\Samples\WPF
To preview the UWP demos, follow these steps:
2. You can explore the demo sample application from the following installed location by clicking Explore Demos
option to preview the UWP reporting demos.
%localappdata%\Bold Reports\Embedded Reporting\Samples\UWP