There are three scenarios in which the Bold Report Viewer or Bold Report Designer undefined issue can occur. The details of the three scenarios and how to resolve them are provided as follows.
If the Bold Report Viewer or the Bold Report Designer scripts are not properly referred, then this issue can occur. Hence, you need to ensure that the Bold Reporting components scripts are properly referred within your application, in order to resolve this issue.
Having the Reporting components in both EJ1 and Bold Reports products, if you are referring the common ej.web.all.min.js
then you will face a conflict with Syncfusion Reporting components and Bold Reports, due to which this issue will occur. When this issue is occurring under this scenario, you can refer to How to use the Bold Reports along with EJ1 controls to resolve the issue.
The Bold Reporting components will get registered after the jquery.min.js
is referred. Hence this issue can occur if the jquery.min.js
is not referred or referred after the Bold Reporting components script references. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the Bold Reporting components script references are referred only after the jquery.min.js
If you are using the multiple
references in your application, then you need to refer the Bold Reporting components script references at the last node of the references so that the instance of the Reporting components get properly registered.