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Change the Default File Format

Users can change the default file format to any other file format that is supported by the selected file type. It includes APIs to set the formats before exporting the document. Refer to the following section to change the default file formats.

Change the Word document type

You can save the report to the required Word document version by setting the FormatType property.

Copied !
writer.WordOptions = new BoldReports.Writer.WordOptions()
    FormatType = WordFormatType.Docx

Change the Excel document type

You can save the report to the required Excel document version by setting the ExcelSaveType property.

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writer.ExcelOptions = new BoldReports.Writer.ExcelOptions()
    ExcelSaveType = BoldReports.Writer.ExcelVersion.Excel2013

Change the CSV document type

You can save the report to the required CSV file extension by setting the FileExtension property.

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writer.CsvOptions = new BoldReports.Writer.CsvOptions()
    FileExtension = ".txt"