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Create or link dataset parameters

A dataset parameters are created based on the query parameters provided in the dataset query and also, an equivalent report parameters are created for each query variable. The linking between a dataset parameter and a report parameter will take place automatically. But, if a report parameter is renamed then we need to perform the link action manually.

Refer Create Data section for better understanding with the following sections. The below image showcases the initial view of query designer. Query joiner icon in enabled state

Open parameters dialog

Drag and drop a table into design area. Now, click on the Parameter icon in the query designer toolbar.

Query joiner icon in enabled state

Now, the Parameters dialog will be launched.

Parameter dialog

Create a new dataset parameter

  1. To add a new dataset parameter, click on the Add icon. Query joiner icon in enabled state
  2. Parameter Name: In the Parameter Name text box, provide the name for the parameter.
  3. Value: In Value field, provide the value in the =Parameters!SalesOrderID.Value format.
  4. Click OK to save the dataset parameter. Query joiner icon in enabled state

Repeat the above steps to create multiple dataset parameters. Query joiner icon in enabled state

Once you save the dataset, an equivalent report parameters will be created under the PARAMETERS panel like below. Query joiner icon in enabled state

The report parameter name is created using the value provided in Value field. If the value field is left empty when creating the dataset parameter then the report parameter name is created using the value provided in Parameter Name field.

Set Expression

The Value field in dataset parameter can contain an expression that evaluates to a value, to pass to the query parameter.

  1. To set expression, click on the square icon and select Expression. Expression icon
  2. It will launch the expression dialog like below. Expression dialog
  3. Refer Expression section to know more about the handling expressions in Report Designer. Here, the SalesOrderID field is assigned as expression for SalesOrderID parameter. Assign data field as expression
  4. The icon will be indicated in Black color, if the expression is applied to the value field. Expression indication

Reset Expression

  1. To reset the applied expression in Value field, click on the square icon and select Reset. Select reset expression
  2. The icon will be indicated in White color, after reset action. After reset expression

Reorder parameters

When executing a query, the result will be retrieved from database based on the order of the parameter in the query.

The below snap depicts the parameter list before reordering the parameters.

Query joiner icon in enabled state

To change the order of the dataset parameters after creating it, follow the below steps.

  1. Click and hold the icon in the left corner of Parameter Name field. Query joiner icon in enabled state
  2. Then drag and move the dataset parameter field to higher or lower position in the list. Query joiner icon in enabled state
  3. Drop the dataset parameter field in desired position. Query joiner icon in enabled state

The below snap depicts the parameter list after reordering the parameters.

Query joiner icon in enabled state

Remove parameter

Click on the Delete icon in the right corner to remove the dataset parameter from the list.

Query joiner icon in enabled state

The following procedure is applicable for below scenario’s:

  • To link a query variable with an existing report parameter.

  • To relink a report parameter with query parameter, if the report parameter is renamed.

Create query and report parameters

Refer Create report parameter section and create the required report parameters in your report. Refer Create query parameter section and create the required query parameters.

The following steps guides to link a query parameter with a report parameter.

  1. Open the dataset Parameters dialog, the available query parameters in the dataset query will be automatically listed in the dialog. Query joiner icon in enabled state
  2. In the list find the parameter name to which you want to link a report parameter.
  3. Value Field: The available report parameters in the report will be listed in the Value field drop-down. Choose a report parameter to which you want to link the respective query parameter. Query joiner icon in enabled state
  4. Click on the OK button to save the parameter linking state.

In the below snap, SalesOrderID report parameter is linked with a SalesOrderID query parameter. Query joiner icon in enabled state