In tablix data regions, two or more adjacent cells can be merged into a single cell to improve the appearance or to provide spanning labels for column groups and row groups.
The cells in the each area of a data region can be merged within the respective areas. Following are the some of the restrictions when merging the cells in tablix data region:
In the following sections, merge action for each area of tablix data region is demonstrated using company sales report.
Select the cells in the corner area of the tablix data region.
Right click in the cell to open cell menu, in the menu list click on the Merge Cells
If the cell selection is invalid or across boundaries,
Merge Cells
option will not be available in the menu.
Now, the selected cell in the corner area will be merged like below.
If the cell has any content, the content of the top-left cell will be displayed in the newly merged cell. The content of the rest of the cells in the merged region will be cleared.
Select the cells in the body area of the tablix data region.
Right click in the cell to open cell menu, in the menu list click on the Merge Cells
If the cell selection is invalid or across boundaries,
Merge Cells
option will not be available in the menu.
Now, the selected cell in the body area will be merged like below.
If the cell has any content, the content of the top-left cell will be displayed in the newly merged cell. The content of the rest of the cells in the merged region will be cleared.
Select the cells in the row group of the tablix data region.
Right click in the cell to open cell menu, in the menu list click on the Merge Cells
If the cell selection is invalid or across boundaries,
Merge Cells
option will not be available in the menu.
Now, the selected cell in the row group area will be merged like below.
If the cell has any content, the content of the top-left cell will be displayed in the newly merged cell. The content of the rest of the cells in the merged region will be cleared.
Select the cells in the column group area of the tablix data region.
Right click in the cell to open cell menu, in the menu list click on the Merge Cells
If the cell selection is invalid or across boundaries,
Merge Cells
option will not be available in the menu.
Now, the selected cell in the column group area will be merged like below.
If the cell has any content, the content of the top-left cell will be displayed in the newly merged cell. The content of the rest of the cells in the merged region will be cleared.
Once a cell is merged, you can split using the Split Cells
option in the menu list. The cells can split in horizontal direction across columns or in vertical direction down rows.
Select the cells in the specific area of the tablix data region.
Right click in the cell to open cell menu, in the menu list click on the Split Cells
If the cell selection is invalid or across boundaries,
Split Cells
option will not be available in the menu.
Now, the selected cell in the column group area will split like below.
If the cell has any content, the content of the top-left cell will be displayed in the newly merged cell. The content of the rest of the cells in the merged region will be cleared.