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Sort data in a chart data region

You can control the order in which data appears in a chart data region by representing sort expressions. You can sort the data either in ascending or descending order.

Set sort expression on a chart category group

  1. Select chart data region in the design area. Filter dialog
  2. Switch to DATA tab, Filter dialog
  3. In the DATA assign panel, under the column section click on the Settings icon. Filter dialog
  4. Now, click on the Sorts... option in the menu. Now, the sort dialog will be opened like below. Filter dialog
  5. Refer Sort Data section to and create required sort expression in the sort dialog and click on the OK button. Filter dialog

A sort expression is created to sort ProductCategory fields in descending order (i.e Z-A ). On report preview, the ProductCategory field values will be sorted in Z-A alphabetical order.

Filter dialog

Similarly, you can set sort expression on a chart series group.

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