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Report item selection

Report item selection plays major role in positioning and formatting report items in the design surface. Different ways to select report items in design surface are explained below.

Using mouse action

Mouse hover on the report item which you want select.

Resize the table column

Then tap on the left or right mouse button. Now, the selection will be applied to the specific report item.

Resize the table column

To select multiple report items in the design surface,

Hold mouse button and draw a bounding rectangle around the required item.

Resize the table column

Then release the mouse button, now the selection will be applied on those report items in the designer surface.

Resize the table column

Using keyboard shortcuts

  • To select all report items in the design surface, hold Ctrl and press A key.

  • To navigate selection between report items in design surface, use Shift + Tab or Tab keys.

  • To remove selection from report items, press Esc key.

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