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Schedule report settings

This section explains how to use schedule report settings to compress the exported reports as a zip file by using the Enable File Compression option.

This is an optional setting, and you can export the uncompressed report by simply unchecking the Enable File Compression option.

Enable file compression

  1. Click on the Settings option in the Report Server left-side panel and navigate to the Reports tab.

  2. Switch to the Schedule tab as shown in the following image: Schedule report settings tab in Report Server

  3. Check the Enable File Compression option and click on the Save button to save the settings.

  4. Exported reports can be made more secure with password protection by enabling the Enable Password Protection option. The Default Password option is selected by default.

    For the default password, the password will be generated as a combination of the first and last four characters of the email.

  5. You can customize the password protection rules for exporting reports by choosing the Custom Password option. However, the username or first name is mandatory in the password condition. Custom password compression settings

  6. For instance, let’s consider a sample user with the following details:

    First Name : John
    Last Name : Michael

  7. With this sample user, the possible password combination and its unlock password have been explained below.

    Password Rule Unlock Password
    The First four characters of the Email
    The Last four characters of the First Name
    First four characters of First Name
    First four characters of Last Name
    First four characters of Email
    Last four characters of Last Name

Save as file

  1. Click on the Settings option in the Report Server left-side panel and navigate to the Reports tab.

  2. Switch to the Schedule tab as shown in the following image: Schedule report settings tab in Report Server

  3. We need to save the export path value for exporting reports to the mentioned location. By default, the directory root path will be C:\BoldServices\app_data\reporting\Jobs. Default Export path Settings

  4. You can edit the default directory root path value, which is provided on the “Export path” option, and click on the Save button to save the changes. Required Export path Settings

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