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Manage report schedules

The Reporting Server provides report-specific schedules to assist you in managing the processing and distribution of reports. All schedules specify a type of recurrence, which can be monthly, weekly, or daily.

This section explains how to add, edit, delete, and manage report schedules, as well as how to run the schedules on demand and enable or disable schedules in Bold Reports® On-Premise.

The schedules page displays the schedules that are accessible to the user based on their permissions.

Manage Schedules

Add schedule

Schedules can be created only if the user has the Create All Schedules permission. Schedules can be created in three ways:

  1. Add a schedule from the + icon in the left side menu.
  2. Add a schedule from the context menu of the respective reports.
  3. Add a schedule from the schedule listing page.

Add a schedule from the Create button menu

  • Click on the + icon in the left side menu and choose Schedule to create a new schedule. Create Schedule

  • Choose the required category from the Category dropdown. Once a category is selected, the corresponding reports under that category will be displayed in the Report dropdown menu. Create Category

  • Select the desired report from the dropdown menu.

    Select Report

Add a schedule from the context menu of the respective reports

  • Click the Actions button in the reports grid context menu, then select Create Schedule to schedule the corresponding report. Create Schedule

  • Once the dialog box opens, the category and report values are preselected by default. Create Schedule

    Categories or Reports can be changed from the schedule dialog box.

  • After adding schedule details, click Next in the schedule dialog.

Add a schedule from the schedule listing page

  • Click Schedules in the left side panel of the Report Server, and then click the Create Schedule button. Create Schedule from schedule page

  • Select the required category from the Category dropdown. After selecting the category, the corresponding reports under that selected category will be displayed in the Report dropdown, Create Schedule

  • Select the required report from the dropdown. Create Schedule

  • Select the export name from the dropdown options, which include Schedule Name, Report Name, Timestamp and Date Format. Create Schedule

Export FileName predefined variables

  • Schedule Name : The name assigned to the specific schedule.
  • Report Name : The name of the report that is scheduled.
  • Timestamp : A unique identifier generated based on the exact date and time the report was scheduled.
  • Date Format : The format in which the date will be displayed in the report.

Note: When the Disable Attachments with No Data option is turned on, scheduled emails will not contain attachments if the report has no data. Set Parameter

Configure Report Parameters

  • The parameters available for the report will be displayed in the scheduler dialog. Set Parameter

  • Select the parameter values to schedule and export the reports with these filter. Available Parameter

    Note: To modify the parameter values, enable the Set Parameters option in the schedule dialog box.

Configure Recurrence Intervals

  • Select the recurrence type, recurrence interval, start date and end date in the `Add Schedule’ dialog box.

  • Reports can be scheduled to run hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

  • The application’s time zone will be displayed below the date picker. The start time of the schedule will be converted to the client’s time zone and displayed on the right side for the user’s convenience. Add Schedule 1

Compress files to export

  • You can compress the exported reports into a zip file by selecting the Enable File Compression option in the schedule dialog box. This is not mandatory, and you can decompress it at any time by simply unchecking that option. File Compression

  • Exported reports can be made more secure with password protection by enabling the Enable Password Protection option in the schedule dialog box. The Default Password option is selected by default.

    For the default password, the password will be generated as a combination of the first and last four characters of the email.

  • You can customise the password protection rules for exporting reports by choosing the Custom Password option.

  • However, the username or first name is mandatory in the password condition. Custom Password

For instance, let’s consider a sample user with the following details:

First Name : John
Last Name : Michael
Email: [email protected]

With this sample user, the possible password combinations and their unlock passwords are explained below.

Password Rule Unlock Password
First four characters of Email
Last four characters of First Name
First four characters of First Name
First four characters of Last Name
First four characters of Email
Last four characters of Last Name

Customize Mail template

  • The mail template defines the text that is sent via email to the Report Server user.

  • Initially, the default template will be displayed in the mail template. If the custom password is enabled, the user can add a password hint to the mail template if necessary.

  • You can also customize the email template to your preference. Customize Email Template

Mail template predefined variables

When you select a variable, the corresponding user information is automatically retrieved from the server and inserted into the mail template.

  • {Full Name}: The recipient’s full name
  • {First Name}: The recipient’s first name
  • {Last Name}: The recipient’s last name
  • {Schedule Name}: The name of the schedule
  • {Report Name}: The name of the scheduled report
  • {Report Link}: The link to the scheduled report
  • {Export Format}: The chosen export file format for the schedule
  • {Date}: Specifies the date when the schedule is triggered
  • {Organization Name}: The Organization name, retrieved from the site settings

Configure the export types

  • Reports can be exported in PDF, Word, Excel, HTML, PPT, CSV, and XML formats.

Email attachment

  • Exported reports can be sent to individual users or groups by selecting the Email attachment option.

  • Additionally, the exported reports can be sent to external recipients by providing their Email addresses. You can add multiple external recipients at once by separating the emails with a comma(,). For example: [[email protected],[email protected]]. Email Attachment Checkbox

    Note: Email attachment is selected by default.

Save as file

  • Exported reports can also be saved to any location by selecting the Save as file option. Save As Checkbox Select Users

Local Export

  • To save the exported report, you need to specify the Export Path and Max reports count.

    Export Path - The location to save the exported report. By default, the folder path will be \Export, and the default root path location will be C:\BoldServices\app_data\reporting\Jobs.

    • Edit the default folder path location to specify the required folder path in the Export path.

    • You must specify the required root path, which can be updated in the Schedule Report Settings export path.

    Max Reports Count - Specify the maximum number of exported reports to be saved at this location.

    Overwrite the Existing File - Enabling this option will overwrite existing files in the export folder.

    Notify Recipients - Enabling this option will send notifications to the recipients.

FTP / SFTP Location Export

FTP Location

  • To save the exported file at a network location, you must provide the path in UNC(Universal Naming Convention). For example, or sftp://

    Root directory path:

    Relative path: /Export

    • The root directory path can be specified in Shedule Report Settings, while the relative path can be specified when creating the schedules.

    • If the Export folder does not exist, the folder will be created automatically while running the schedules.

      Write permission is required for the root directory path folder.

  • When clicking the Schedule, the report will be scheduled for the selected recurrence.

    Read, Write, Delete permissions for that Specific Schedule will be granted to the user who created the schedule.

S3 Bucket Location Export

S3 Bucket

S3 Bucket Location Export allows you to configure and export reports directly to an Amazon S3 bucket by providing the necessary bucket details and credentials.

The default export location can be set in the schedule report settings file, and you can modify the location here as needed.

Sending Schedule failure notification to the owner and recipients

Supports sending notifications of schedule failure to both the schedule owner and recipients. In the event of a schedule export failure, an email containing a failure error message can be sent to both the owner and recipients.

Sending Failure Status

Run now

Schedules can be run on demand using the Run Now option in the schedule grid context menu. The report is exported in the specified format and sent to the recipients along with a link to the report in Bold Reports® via email. Run now schedule


The Reporting Server allows you to download the schedule details for your records or for sharing with others. This can be done by clicking the Download option in the schedule grid context menu. Download schedule

Enable or disable schedule

Schedules can be disabled at any time, which will ignore any future occurrences. When enabled, they will get the next occurrence and run accordingly. Enable Disable Schedule

Edit schedule

The category, report, name, recurrence type, recurrence interval, start and end dates, export format, and recipients can be changed in the Edit Schedule dialog box. Enable Disable Schedule

Delete schedules

Schedules can be deleted from the Report Server when they are no longer required.

Click the Actions button in the schedules grid context menu and select Delete to delete the schedule. Delete schedule

REST API reference

The following table lists the available APIs related to schedules in Bold Reports® On-Premise.

Action HTTP Method Endpoint Description
AddSchedule POST /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/reports/schedule Adds a schedule to the server. Schedule details should be provided as input.
UpdateSchedule PUT /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/reports/schedule/{scheduleid} Updates a schedule. Schedule ID should be provided in the path parameter, and the schedule details should be provided as input.
RunScheduleReport GET /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/schedules/{scheduleId}/run Runs a scheduled report. Should provide a schedule ID in the path parameter.
GetScheduleItemDetail GET /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/reports/schedule/{scheduleId} Returns the respective schedule details. Should pass Schedule ID in the path parameter.
GetScheduleItems GET /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/reports/schedule/items Returns the list of scheduled items.
GetSchedules GET /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/items Returns the list of schedules for the current user. ItemType should be Schedule.
IsScheduleNameExists POST /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/items/is-name-exists Returns an item's existence, whether the given schedule name already exists or not on the server. Schedule name and ItemType as Schedule should be passed in the request body.
GetScheduleDetail GET /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/items/{id} Returns the specified schedule details from the server. Schedule item ID should be passed as a path parameter.
DeleteSchedule DELETE /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/items/{id} Deletes the specified schedule from the server. Schedule item ID should be passed as a path parameter.