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HubSpot is a customer relationship management (CRM) software and inbound marketing platform that helps businesses to attract visitors, engage customers, and close leads.

Grab Credentials

Note: As of November 30, 2022, HubSpot API Keys are being deprecated and are no longer supported. Instead, it is recommended to authenticate using a private app access token or OAuth access token. Follow these steps to create a private app and get an authentication token before running the pipeline:

  1. In HubSpot, click the settings icon to access settings.
  2. Under Account Setup in the left sidebar, choose Integrations > Private Apps.
  3. Select Create a private app.
  4. In the Basic Info tab, provide a name and description.
  5. In the Scopes tab, grant:
    • Read scopes for CMS, CRM, and Settings.
    • Permissions for: business-intelligence, actions, crm.export, e-commerce, oauth, tickets.
  6. Click Create app > Continue Creating.
  7. Click Show token and copy it.

Connection Properties

In a YAML file, the config section contains the following properties:

ConnectorName: HubSpot
api_key: API key

Example Configuration

version: 1
encrypt_credentials: false
    - name: HubSpot_data
      connectorname: HubSpot
         api_key: <API KEY>
         includehistory: <true/false>