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This verified source can be used to load data on issues or pull requests from any GitHub repository onto a destination of your choice using GitHub API.

Grab Credentials

To get the API token, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner.

  2. Choose “Settings”.

  3. Select “Developer settings” on the left panel.

  4. Under “Personal access tokens”, click on “Generate a personal access token (preferably under Tokens (classic))“.

  5. Grant at least the following scopes to the token by checking them:
    public_repo: Limits access to public repositories.
    read:repo_hook: Grants read and ping access to hooks in public or private repositories.
    read:org: Read-only access to organization membership, organization projects, and team membership.
    read:user: Grants access to read a user’s profile data.
    read:project: Grants read-only access to user and organization projects.
    read:discussion: Allows read access for team discussions.

  6. Finally, click Generate token.

  7. Copy the token and save it.

Connection Properties

In a YAML file, the config section contains the following properties:

Connector name: GitHub
Access_token: Access token
Type: Reactions/repo_events
Owner: Owner
Repo: Repository Name
Items_per_page: Items per page
Max_items: Maximum number of items

Example Configuration


version: 1
encrypt_credentials: false
    - name: Github
      connectorname: Github
        access_token: <ACCESS TOKEN>
        type: <REPO EVENTS>
        owner: <OWNER>


version: 1
encrypt_credentials: false
    - name: Github
      connectorname: Github
        access_token: <ACCESS TOKEN>
        type: <REACTIONS>
        owner: <OWNER>
        repo: <REPO NAME>
        items_per_page: <ITEMS PER PAGE>
        max_items: <MAX NO OF ITEMS>
        max_items_age_seconds: <MAX ITEM AGE SECONDS>