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Facebook Ads:

Facebook Ads is the advertising platform that allows businesses and individuals to create targeted ads on Facebook and its affiliated apps, such as Instagram and Messenger.

Grab credentials

Grab Account ID

  1. Ensure you have Ads Manager activated for your Facebook account.

  2. Locate your account ID, which is a lengthy number. You can find it by clicking on the Account Overview dropdown in Ads Manager or by checking the link address. For example,{accountId}.

  3. Copy the account ID.

Grab Access_Token

  1. Please sign up for a developer account.
  2. Log in to your developer account and click on My Apps located in the top right corner.
  3. Create an app, choose Other as the type, select Business as the category, and click Next.
  4. Enter the name of your app and select the associated business manager account.
  5. Navigate to the Basic settings in the left-hand side menu.
  6. Copy the App ID and App secret.
  7. Next, obtain a short-lived access token.
  8. Select the created app, add ads_read and lead_retrieval permissions, and generate a short-lived access token.
  9. Copy the access token.

Connection Properties

In a YAML file, the config section contains the following properties:

Connectorname**: FacebookAds
Access_token**: FacebookAds access token
Client_id**: Client’s id
Client_secret**: Client’s secret
Account_id**: FacebookAds Account ID

Incremental Mode

The Facebook ads doesn’t support incremental mode and Facebook insights supports incremental mode.

        type: insights
        initial_load_past_days: 30
        attribution_window_days_lag: 7
        time_increment_days: 1

The incremental mode loads the new data instead of loading the entire dataset. In the given example, the initial load is set to 30 days. It loads the data for the past 30 days, which is incremented daily since the time increment day is set to one. The attribution is how far the system should go back to consider data attribution.

Example Configuration

Facebook ads

version: 1
encrypt_credentials: false
    - name: fb_data
      connectorname: FacebookAds
        access_token: <ACCESS TOKEN>
        client_id: <CLIENT ID>
        client_secret: <CLIENT SECRET>
        account_id: <ACCOUNT ID>
        - ads
        - ads1

Facebook insights

version: 1
encrypt_credentials: false
    - name: fb_data
      connectorname: FacebookAds
        access_token: <ACCESS TOKEN>
        client_id: <CLIENT ID>
        client_secret: <CLIENT SECRET>
        account_id: <ACCOUNT ID>
        type: insights
        initial_load_past_days: 30
        attribution_window_days_lag: 7
        time_increment_days: 1