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Public report

Note: Starting from v6.1, We plan to deprecate Public Reports. For more information, please refer to this section.

This section explains how to make reports public or private.

Public reports are accessible to anonymous users who have the report link.

Private reports are accessible to registered users on the Report Server who have appropriate permissions.

Make public

Make Public option is available only to the owner of the Report.

Follow the steps below to make the Reports accessible to anonymous users.

  1. Click on the context menu of the respective Report and choose Make Public option.

    Make public menu

  2. Click on Make Public in the following confirmation dialog box.

    Make public Dialog

  3. Once the Report is made public, a dialog box with the report link will be displayed. You can copy and share the link with users.

    Get link public Dialog

Make Private

Make Private option is available only to the owner of the Report.

Follow the steps below to make the Reports accessible only to users in the Report Server who have appropriate permissions.

  1. Click on the context menu of the respective Report and choose Make Private option.

    Make Private menu

  2. Click on Make Private in the following confirmation dialog box.

    Make Private dialog

Once the report is made private, a dialog box with a confirmation message is displayed.

Public Reports

Public reports are listed under the public section as shown in the image below.

Public Reports

Breaking changes from v6.x

  • We plan to deprecate Public Reports in upcoming releases. However, existing public reports will continue to render without any issues.

  • Initially, we removed the Make Public option in the Report Server.

  • As an alternative to the public reports feature, We strongly recommend using one of our iFrame options to embed reports in the Bold Reports Server.

  • However, you still have the option to convert existing public reports to private. We recommend converting all public reports to private. Then, disable the Mark reports as public option on the settings page. Set Private Alert message

  • For special cases, if you still need the option to mark reports as public, go to Settings -> Configuration -> reporting/config.xml, set EnablePublic node to true, and then save the changes.

    Config File Server App Config

  • Now you can find the option in the context menu to change the reports to public. Make Public Option

Note: It’s not recommended to make the reports public, as they will soon be deprecated in upcoming releases.