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Report Part

This section explains how to create Report Parts directly from the server and explores the options available in the published Report Parts.

  1. Click on the + icon in the left menu and then select Create Report Part. Click Plus Icon Click Create Report Part

  2. Enter the report part name and then click the Add and Design button. Click Add Design Button

  3. Now the report designer page will open. You can design and customize report items such as tables, charts, maps, indicators, and other elements.

  4. After completing the design of your report elements, proceed by clicking the Publish option. Click Publish Icon Click Publish

  5. Published report parts can be viewed under the Report Parts section. report-part-listing-page

  6. Choose the Edit icon to edit the report part. edit-report-part

  7. To view the Report Part Info, click on Info in the menu. Edit Report Part

    Report Part Info provides information about the Report Part id, Report Part Type, Created by, Created on, Last modified by, Last modified on, and Linked Reports.

    Open Report Part Info

  8. Choose the delete option to delete the report part. delete-report-part

    Note: To know more about it, refer to the section Report Parts.

Draft Report Part

  1. Unpublished Report Parts can be found under the Report Parts category in the Drafts section.
