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Manage Categories

This section explains how to create, open, update, delete, and manage share permissions for categories in Bold Reports® On-Premise. Accessibility to categories depends on the user’s permissions.

Categories are displayed on the left side of the report listing page. Category setting options

Open category

To open the already created category, click any category in the left panel to view the reports grouped with it. Open already created categories

Create category

To add a new category, you must have the Create All Categories permission. There are several ways to add a category, as follows:

  1. When you are publishing a designed report to the Report Server, the New Category option will be displayed. Publish report
  2. You can add a new category while copying reports from the context menu on the report listing page. Publish report
  3. Click on the [+] icon in the toolbar, then select the Create Category option . Create category button Provide a name and description (optional) for the category and click Add. Add a new category for reports

    The user who created the category is provided with Read, Write, Delete permissions for that specific category.

Share category

In the Report Server, you have the ability to set permissions for categories, allowing you to share them with other users.

Steps to share a category

  1. Click Actions in the category list context menu and select Sharing Permissions. Select Sharing Permissions option
  2. Click the Manage Access button. Set permissions to share a Category
  3. Choose the level of permission access, and then select the users or groups with whom you want to share the Category. Add permission to Category
  4. Once you have selected the desired access level and identified the users or groups, click on the Add button to finalize the sharing settings. Add button

    Only the user who has permission can share the category with other Report Server users.

Remove Category permission

A user with the appropriate permissions can remove the shared Category permissions using the Remove option. Remove Permission

Pin category

A category that can be pinned or prioritized for quick access.

  • Locate and click on the Pin option in the context menu of the category. Pin Category

Update category

To update the name and description of a category that has already been created, please follow these steps:

  1. Click the settings option available in the category.
  2. Select Update from the context menu. Click Update Category
  3. Make the necessary changes to the name or description, then click the Update button to save your changes. Update category name and description

Delete category

You have the ability to delete a category from the Report Server. To do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the settings icon in the category list.
  2. Select the Delete option to remove the category. Delete created category

    A category that contains grouped reports cannot be deleted.

REST API Reference

The following table illustrates the list of available APIs related to category in Bold Reports® On-Premise.

Action HTTP Method Endpoint Description
AddCategory POST /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/categories Adds a new category to the server. Category details must be passed as input.
UpdateCategory PUT /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/categories Updates the category on the server. Updated category details must be passed as input.
GetCategory GET /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/items Returns the list of categories for the current user. ItemType should be Category.
IsCategoryNameExists POST /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/items/is-name-exists Returns an item's existence, whether the given category name already exists or not on the server. Category name and ItemType as Category should be passed in the request body.
GetCategoryDetail GET /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/items/{id} Returns the specified category details from the server. Category item ID should be passed in the path parameter.
DeleteCategory DELETE /api/site/{tenant-name}/v1.0/items/{id} Deletes the specified category from the server. Category item ID should be passed in the path parameter.