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Upgrade Bold Reports® Enterprise Reporting version from 2.4.19 to latest

Follow these below steps to upgrade the Bold Reports® Azure App service version from 2.4.19 to latest.

  1. Login to Azure Portal and select the Bold Reports® Azure App Service in Microsoft Azure Services.

  2. In the Overview section, click Stop.

    Stop Bold Reports<sup>®</sup> Azure App Service

  3. Choose Deployment Center in the left panel of the Bold Reports® Azure App service.

    Deployment center

  4. To upgrade v3.1.42, you need to migrate the v2.4.19 or v2.4.10 UMS blob resources to a new blob structure. For that, click Sync in the deployment center blade.

    Deployment center utility sync

    Deployment center utility redeployment

  5. Check the deployment status in logs. Once, the deployment is completed successfully, the logs will show a success status.

    Deployment center utility success

  6. After successful deployment, navigate to WebJobs in the left panel of the Bold Reports® Azure App service.

    Webjobs options

  7. In the WebJobs, the migration utility will be available. Click ‘Run’ and wait to complete the migration.

    Webjobs run

    Webjobs success

  8. To ensure migration success, go to the blob container is used in the Bold Reports® Azure App service and check whether the following boldservices Blob is created or not.

    Blob migration confirmation

  9. After the migration is completed, choose Advanced Tools in the left panel of the Bold Reports® Azure App service and click Go. It will open KUDU console.

    Kudu Console options

  10. In KUDU console, click Debug Console and choose PowerShell.

    Kudu Console poweshell options

  11. In PowerShell, navigate to the path C:\home\site\repository\.git.

    Kudu Console repository path

  12. Run the git command git remote rm origin.

    Git command

  13. After running the command, go to the deployment center, click Disconnect. Now, the deployment option will open.

    Choose Source

  14. Select the External Git in the source option.

    External Repository

  15. Now, in the External Git, fill out the following information.

    Repository - URL

    Branch - v3.1.42

    Repository Type - Public

    Deployment option for External repository

  16. Next, click the Save option. The Successfully set up deployment notification will be shown in the notification blade.

    Finish Deployment

    Success notification of Deployment option

  17. After completing the deployment setup, click Sync in the deployment center blade.

    Sync Repository

    Deployment confirmation

  18. Synchronization progress is shown in the deployment options blade.

    Synchronization Status

  19. Please wait until synchronization is completed.

    Synchronization Success

  20. Once the synchronization is completed, Save the below configuration settings.

    • Add the following application settings key.

      Key Value

    Application Settings

    • Change the below value in General Settings.

      Settings Value
      .NET version .NET 6

    General Settings

    • Change Physical Path in Path Mappings

      Virtual Path Physical Path (v2.4.19, v2.4.10) Physical Path (v3.1.42)
      / site\wwwroot\IDP site\wwwroot\idp\web
      /api site\wwwroot\IDP\api site\wwwroot\idp\api
      /reporting site\wwwroot\Report Server site\wwwroot\reporting\web
      /reporting/api site\wwwroot\Report Server\api site\wwwroot\reporting\api
      /reporting/jobs site\wwwroot\Report Server\jobs site\wwwroot\reporting\jobs
      /reporting/reportservice site\wwwroot\Report Server\reportservice site\wwwroot\reporting\reportservice
      /ums Site\wwwroot\IDP\ums site\wwwroot\idp\ums

    Path Mappings

  21. Then, click Start in the Overview section to start the Bold Reports® Azure App service.

    Start Bold Reports<sup>®</sup> Azure App Service