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Accounts configuration in User Management Server

This section explains how to configure the activation of user accounts and user email in the User Management Server.

Account activation modes

There are two available modes for account activation:

  1. Automatic activation
  2. Email activation

Automatic activation

When user activation is set to Automatic Activation mode, user accounts will be activated automatically while adding users in the User Management Server.

Email activation

When user activation is set to Email Activation mode, user accounts are not activated automatically upon adding users in the User Management Server. Instead, an account activation email containing an activation link is sent to the user’s email address, allowing them to activate their account.

The account will be in inactive status until the user activates the account from the activation email.

NOTE: By default, the Account Activation Mode is set to Automatic.

Accounts Settings

User email

This setting determines whether an email address is required for creating new users.

Email required

When the user email setting is set to Required mode, an email address is mandatory for adding users in the User Management Server.

NOTE: When the account activation preference is set to email, an email address is mandatory for activating the account.

Email not required

When the user email setting is set to Not Required mode, an email address is not mandatory for adding users in the User Management Server.

NOTE: By default, the User Email setting is set to Required.

Email Required Settings