This section explains how to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) for users using the Custom JSON Web Token (JWT) in the Bold Reports® application.
Login with this URL {Bold Reports<sup>®</sup> URL}/ums/administration
using the admin credentials.
Click Authentication
and then JWT
Enable the JWT settings.
Provide the following details in the JWT
Name | It represents the name of the JWT provider to be displayed on the login page. |
Provider Logo | It represents the logo of the JWT provider to be displayed on the login page. |
Remote Login URL | This is the endpoint of the JWT provider used to send the authorization request from the Bold Reports® application. |
Remote Logout URL | It is the endpoint of the JWT provider to send the logout request once the user logged out in the Bold Reports® application. |
After the values are saved, the application will generate a Signing Key
. This signing key has to be used for signing JSON Web Tokens from your application.
The Signing Key
can be copied, viewed, and reset using the following options:
Once the JWT settings are configured, go to the Bold Reports® login page and click the JWT login option; it will redirect to the configured application login URL.
After that, the application will generate the JSON Web Token for user and it is redirected back to Bold Reports® call back URL {Bold Reports<sup>®</sup> URL}/sso/jwt/callback?jwt={token}&site_identifier={site identifier}&redirect_to={redirecturl}
with the encoded JWT in a query string.
The Bold Reports® application will validate the JWT and deserialize the user information from the token.
From the user information, the Bold Reports® application will check if the user’s email has access to the Bold Reports® application already. If the user is already available in Bold Reports®, it will authenticate the user.
If the user is not available in the Bold Reports® server, it will add the user and authenticate to access the Bold Reports® application.
The JWT callback URL will validate the JWT response from the configured application.
Upon successful login to your configured application, users can be redirected to the specified URL.
{Bold Reports<sup>®</sup> URL}/sso/jwt/callback?jwt={token}&site_identifier={site identifier}&redirect_to={redirecturl}
Parameter | Required | Comments |
jwt | Yes | The JSON Web Token will be passed in this parameter, containing the JWT Payload |
site_identifier | No | This parameter will be used to grant site access for the JWT user.
If the JWT login accessed from the tenant, the Bold Reports® login URL will redirect to your application with the tenant site identifier in the URL query string. You can use this identifier in the JWT response URL. Example Url
redirect_to | No | If this parameter is included in the JWT response, the user will be redirected to the corresponding page after the login process is completed. |
To create the JWT, use HMAC-SHA256
as signing algorithm.
JWT should include the following claims:
Parameter | Parameter Name | Value Type | Required | Comments |
User Id | sub | string | Yes | Unique identifier of the user. |
string | Yes | Email address of the user. | ||
First Name | first_name | string | Yes | First name of the user. |
Last Name | last_name | string | No | Surname of the user. |
Phone | phone | string | No | Phone number of the user. |
Please refer to the following sample for how to generate the JWT.
private string GenerateJSONWebToken(UserModel userInfo)
var signingKey = "signingkey";// Signing key value will copy from JWT Settings page
var securityKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signingKey));
var credentials = new SigningCredentials(securityKey, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256Signature, SecurityAlgorithms.Sha256Digest);
var claims = new[] {
new Claim("sub", "420c5d51-1754-4a9b-b4b5-d5bfebb21b0f")
new Claim("email", "[email protected]"),
new Claim("first_name", "Makila"),
new Claim("last_name", "S"),
new Claim("phone", "1234567890")
var token = new JwtSecurityToken(claims: claims,
expires: DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(120),
signingCredentials: credentials);
return new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(token);