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Setup development, staging and production environment

This section explains how to set up development, staging and production environment in the Bold Reports Enterprise Edition using different sites and categories.

Setup development, staging and production environment using sites

Setup three different tenants for development, staging and production environment.

  • Development
  • Staging
  • Production

Copy report from development to staging environment

This section explains about how to copy report from development to staging.

  • Click on the action button of the report to be copied to the staging environment.

  • Select the copy option from the context menu. Copy Option

  • In the copy report dialog box, select the staging tenant. Copy Dialog

  • Select the category in the staging site to copy report.

  • Report name can also be changed when copied to staging site.

Follow the same procedure to copy the report to the production site.

Setup development, staging and production environment using categories

Setup three different categories for development, staging and production environment.

  • Development
  • Staging
  • Production

Copy report from development to staging environment

This section explains about how to copy report from development to staging.

  • Click on the action button of the report to be copied to the staging environment.

  • Select the copy option from the context menu. Copy Option

  • Select the staging category to copy report. Select Category

  • Report name can also be changed when copied to staging category.

Follow the same procedure to copy the report to the production category.