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How to migrate one sever to another server using Postgres database

We can migrate Bold Reports Server data from one server to another server without any data loss. It involves a few manual steps, as below.

  1. Before proceeding with the migration, Install the same version of Bold Reports build on your target machine.

  2. After installation, do not launch or start the application.

  3. We need to make some configuration changes in files to migrate data from Server 1 to Server2. So please Stop BoldReports_EnterpriseReporting application in IIS manager.

  4. Application data will be stored in the app_data folder, and this will make the Bold Reports a stateful application. So, we need to copy the app_data folder under Deployed location:\BoldService from Server-1 and paste that folder in the same location on Server-2. app-data

Please follow the below steps to change the configurations on the target server,

Backup Database

You need to a take backup of all the database used in Bold Reports Applications. Please follow the steps below to backup databases,

  1. Open pgAdmin and connect to the Server in server-1.

  2. Expand Databases and select the required database.

  3. Right click on the database -> Backup. backup

  4. In Back Up Database window, select browse option in the file name. filename

  5. Select the folder name and enter the file name which should be same as database name with a .sql extension. Click create. create-filename

  6. Click backup to end the backup process.

Restore Database

Copy all the backup database files with .sql extension from server-1 to server-2. Follow the below steps to restore your SQL backup databases.

  1. Open PgAdmin and connect to your database in server-2.

  2. Select the Databases and right click -> Restore Database. restore

  3. In the Restore Database window, select browse option in the file name. select

  4. Select the backup file which you want to restore and click select. filename

  5. Click restore to restore the files.

Update database connection string in Bold Reports

  1. We need to update the database connection string in the config.xml file under C:\BoldServices\app_data\configuration.

  2. To change the database connection string, Download the utility from Utility

  3. Extract the zip file.

  4. Create new folder app_data\configuration in the utility as like in below screenshot.

  5. Copy the config.xml and privatekeys.dat files from

C:\BoldServices\app_data\configuration and paste it under adminutils-1865244183\app_data\configuration configuration

  1. Navigate to the utility directory in command prompt and run the following command

    Syncfusion.Server.Commands.Utility.exe dbconfig -servername “localhost” -databasename “BoldReportsMasterDatabase” -u “Admin” -p “Admin@12345” -iswindowsauthentication false -sslenabled false -port “25060”

    Command details

    Servername – Server hostname/IP

    Database name - database name (IDP)

    u – server username

    p – server password

    iswindowsauthentication – Is windows authentication required (this is optional)

    sslenabled – Is encrypted connection required (this is optional)

  2. Once it was ran successfully, copy the config.xml and privatekeys.dat files from adminutils-1865244183\app_data\configuration from the utility folder. Replace it in Deployed location:\BoldServices\app_data\configuration in the server-2.

  3. Check and update Ip address or localhost port in the config.xml file and product.json under BoldServices\app_data\configuration in Server-2. If you are using DNS leave as it is since it will be already available when copying the files from server-1 to server-2. config

  4. Make sure to bind your DNS in IIS in server-2 which you have used it in server-1, if not used please ignore this step.

  5. Start the BoldReports_EnterpriseReporting application in IIS manager.

  6. Go to site listing page of UMS application.

  7. Go to settings and change the site url with your domain name like below update-url

  8. Now your reports sites will launch with your existing data.