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Where can i find the error and debug log files?

Error logs

Error log files are generated when an exception occurs while configuring or interacting with the Bold Reports application.

Debug logs

Event log files record the complete user interaction details one after the other when users interact with the Bold Reports application.

Log Directories

For any configurations made in the Bold Reports, log files are generated in deployed locations under the various modules listed in the following table based on the nature of the error or event.

How to get the diagnostic logs

The diagnostic logs can be downloaded from the UMS based on the version of Bold Reports, as explained below.

Bold Reports version 5.4.20 or later

  1. Click the Profile icon, choose Manage sites (Admin access), and it will open the UMS sites page in a new tab. Click Manage Sites

    NOTE: This option will be shown for the UMS Admin user only.

  2. Now, navigate to the UMS site and click the help icon at the top right, near the profile icon. Then. choose the Get diagnostic logs option. Click Help Icon

  3. In the Get diagnostic logs dialog, select the desired period option from the dropdown menu (Last 1 hour, Last 24 hours, Last seven days, or All), and then click Download diagnostic logs. The logs will be downloaded accordingly. Get Diagnostic Logs Download Diagnostic logs

Bold Reports version 3.1.31 or later

  1. Click the Profile icon, choose Manage sites (Admin access), and it will open the UMS sites page in a new tab.

    NOTE: This option will be shown for the UMS Admin user only.

    Download Diagnostic logs

  2. Now, it will navigate to the UMS site. Click the help icon and choose the Get diagnostic logs option. Subsequently, the logs will be downloaded.

    Get Diagnostic logs

You can manually retrieve the log file from the following location for Bold Reports version 3.1.31 or later.

By default, Bold Reports is deployed in C:\BoldServices for Windows and /var/www/bold-services/application for Linux.

Hosted Environment Log location
Windows {Deployed Location}\app_data\logs
Linux {Deployed Location}/app_data/logs

Bold Reports version below 3.1.31

In this version, we do not have support to retrieve logs directly from the application. Therefore, we need to obtain them from the deployment location as described below.

By default, Bold Reports is deployed in C:\Bold Reports.

Application Log location
Identity Provider {Deployed Location}\IDP\App_Data\Logs
Report Server {Deployed Location}\Report Server\App_Data\Logs

How to get configuration files?

  1. This option to download the configuration files along with the logs is available from Bold Reports version 5.4.20 or later.

    Note: Enable the checkbox only if the Bold Reports support team has requested the configuration files.

  2. Click the Profile icon, choose Manage sites (Admin access), and it will open the UMS sites page in a new tab. Click Manage Sites

  3. Click the help icon and choose the Get diagnostic logs option. Click Help Icon

  4. In the Get diagnostic logs dialog, enable the Include configuration files checkbox, then click Download diagnostic logs to download both the logs and configuration files. Download Diagnostic Logs

    NOTE: If you are only going to get configuration files, you can select the Last 1 hour option instead of All from the Select time period dropdown menu.

    Diagnostic Last One Hour