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Where can I find the error and debug log files in Kubernetes

Error logs

Error log files are generated when an exception occurs while configuring or interacting with the Bold Reports® application.

Debug logs

Event log files record the complete user interaction details one after the other when users interact with the Bold Reports® application.

Log directories

For any configurations made in the Bold Reports®, log files are generated in deployed locations under the various modules.

Steps to get the log files from Kubernetes using Powershell/Command Prompt

  1. Type the below command to get all the pods which are available in the cluster.

    kubectl —kubeconfig=filename.config get pods -n namespace


  2. We need to navigate to the application directory for that bash any of the pod.

    kubectl —kubeconfig=filename.config exec -n namespace -it podname — bash

    Bash Command

  3. Navigate to the logs directory by using cd /application/app_data/logs and list the files using ls command.

    App Logs

  4. You can find the logs folder in app_data location.

  5. By running the below commands, we can install the zip and curl command-line tool.

    apt-get install zip

    apt-get install curl

  6. Run the below command to zip the logs folder.

    zip -r {} .

    Zip Command

  7. Run the ls command, you can find the zip file.

    Zip Folder

  8. Upload the zip file through site by using below command.

    curl -T {zipped folder Name}

    Curl Command

  9. Copy and browse the link in the browser. Download the zip file and share it to the Bold Reports® support team.


Note: Replace namespace with your namespace.

Replace filename.config with your config file name. Replace podname with your podname which you need to get logs.

Basic Commands

Command Used For
cd Change the directory.
pwd Find the full path of current directory.
ls or ls -l Used to list the files and folders of the current directory.
cat filename Open the file in the powershell.
nano filename Edit the file in the powershell.