Please refer to your hosting environment’s documentation for how to restart the Bold Reports® Enterprise application.
Open the IIS Manager and use the site’s dropdown to find the Bold Reports® Enterprise app.
In Manage Website in the IIS Manager, you can restart the application.
Note: If the Bold Reports® Enterprise and Bold BI Embedded apps are installed with a common login, the site name will be
Please run the following command to restart all the Bold Reports® services.
sudo systemctl restart bold-*
Please run the following command to restart the specific service in Bold Reports®.
sudo systemctl restart bold-id-web.service - IDP Web service
sudo systemctl restart bold-id-api.service - IDP API service
sudo systemctl restart bold-ums-web.service - UMS Web service
sudo systemctl restart bold-reports-web.service - Reports Web service
sudo systemctl restart bold-reports-api.service - Reports API service
sudo systemctl restart bold-reports-jobs.service - Reports Web job service
sudo systemctl restart bold-reports-service.service - Reports service
sudo systemctl restart bold-reports-viewer.service - Reports Viewer service
Please run the following command to restart all the Bold Reports® services.
kubectl rollout restart deploy -n {namespace}
Please run the following command to restart the specific service in Bold Reports®.
kubectl rollout restart deployment/id-web-deployment -n {namespace} - IDP Web service
kubectl rollout restart deployment/id-api-deployment -n {namespace} - IDP API service
kubectl rollout restart deployment/id-ums-deployment -n {namespace} - UMS Web service
kubectl rollout restart deployment/reports-web-deployment -n {namespace} - Reports Web service
kubectl rollout restart deployment/reports-api-deployment -n {namespace} - Reports API service
kubectl rollout restart deployment/reports-jobs-deployment -n {namespace} - Reports Web job service
kubectl rollout restart deployment/reports-reportservice-deployment -n {namespace} - Reports service
kubectl rollout restart deployment/reports-viewer-deployment -n {namespace} - Reports Viewer service
Please run the following command to restart all the Bold Reports® services.
docker restart {container name}
Go to the Azure Portal home page and choose App Services.
Select the hosted Bold Reports® Enterprise application and use Restart
like in the following.