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What are the features need to be enabled in IIS to run the Bold Reports® Application on Windows Server OS?

The Bold Reports® On-Premise Edition can be hosted in both IIS Express and IIS. To run Bold Reports® in IIS, enable IIS along with the required IIS features and roles.

NOTE: A pre-installed Bold Reports® Enterprise Edition and IIS configured Azure VM is available here.

Steps to enable the IIS and features that are needed to run the Bold Reports® Server in the Windows Server OS

  1. Open Server Manager and click Manage > Add Roles and Features. Click Next.

  2. Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next.

  3. Choose Select a server from the server pool and select the server in the Server Pool section, and then click Next.

  4. On Server Roles, enable the Web Server (IIS) in the Roles section.

  5. On Features, enable the following .NET Framework features and click Next.

    Note: You should use Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or higher version. Learn more here.

    Roles and Features

  6. On the Web Server Role (IIS) dialog box, click Next.

  7. On the Select role services dialog box, verify that the required web server component listed here are enabled. Then, click Next.

    Roles Services

  8. Verify that your settings are correct and click Install.

  9. When the installation completes, click Close to exit the wizard.

Required web server components

The IIS components listed below satisfy the minimum requirements to run the Bold Reports®. If other IIS components are enabled, they do not need to be removed.

Section IIS Components
Web Server Common HTTP Features
- Default Document
- Directory Browsing
- HTTP Errors
- Static Content
Health and Diagnostics
- HTTP Logging
Performance Features
- Static Content Compression
- Request Filtering
- Windows Authentication
Application Development
- .NET Extensibility 4.6
- Application Initialization
- ASP.NET 4.6
- ISAPI Extensions
- ISAPI Filters
Management Tools IIS Management Console