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Single Sign-On (SSO) with Auth0 authentication in Bold Reports®

Users can be added to the Bold Reports® application using the Auth0 provider. Once imported, you can then share reports and email exported reports with them.

How to register the Bold Reports® application in Auth0

This section explains how to perform Single Sign-On for users in Auth0 with the Bold Reports® application.

Note: This configuration has to be done on the Auth0 website.


  • An admin account in Auth0.
  • Install the Bold Reports® application.

Steps to register the Bold Reports® application

  1. Login to the Auth0 website with an admin account. Auth0 Login Admin Account

  2. Click Applications in the left menu, and then click the CREATE APPLICATION button. Auth0 create Application

  3. Click Regular Web Applications and proceed to the next step. Select Regular Web Application

  4. The application will be registered, and you will be directed to the application details page. Use the Client ID and Client Secret in the BoldReports application. auth0 ClientId and Client Secret

  5. Scroll down and save the Allowed Callback URLs. Auth0 Save Callback URL

  6. This URL must be the redirect URI in the settings of your Bold Reports® application, as shown in the following screenshot. Lodin Redirect URI

  7. Fill in the details and save the changes.

After successful registration in Auth0, save these settings in the Bold Reports® settings page to enable this authentication.

Enable Auth0 authentication in Bold Reports®

Configure the settings in Bold Reports® as in the following snap to enable the authentication using Auth0. Configure Bold Report Auth0

The fields to be saved in the Bold Reports® to enable Auth0 for authentication are explained as follows.

Provider Name It represents the name of the authentication provider to be displayed on the login page.
Provider Logo It represents the logo of the authentication provider to be displayed on the login page.
Authorization Endpoint It should be in the format https://YOUR_DOMAIN/authorize. Please refer here for more details.
Token Endpoint Method POST
Token Endpoint It should be in the format https://YOUR_DOMAIN/oauth/token. Please refer here for more details.
User Information Endpoint Method GET
User Information Endpoint It should be in the format https://YOUR_DOMAIN/userinfo . Please refer here for more details.
Client ID The Client ID is obtained after registering the Bold Reports® application on the Auth0 website.
Client Secret The Client Secret is obtained after registering the Bold Reports® application on the Auth0 website.
Scopes openid, profile, email
Email This must be the email of an admin account on the Auth0 website.