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Localization of Bold Reports® HTML5 JavaScript Report Viewer

Localization of HTML5 JavaScript Report Viewer allows you to localize the static text such as tooltip, parameter block, and dialog text based on a specific culture. To render the static text with specific culture, refer to the following corresponding culture script files and set culture name to the locale property of the Report Viewer.

* `ej.localetexts.fa-IR.min.js`

Refer this CDN links for Localization and Culture to get the Localization and Culture scripts for available Culture Code

  1. Refer the from cdn using the following code.

    <script src=""></script>
  2. You can edit and preview the Report Viewer localization using the following.

$(function () {
                var dataValue = "";
                var apiRequest = new Object({
                    password: "demo",
                    userid: "guest"

                    type: "POST",
                    url: "",
                    data: apiRequest,
                    success: function (data) {
                        dataValue = data.Token;
                        var token = JSON.parse(dataValue);

                                reportServiceUrl: "",
                                serviceAuthorizationToken: token.token_type + " " + token.access_token,
                                reportPath: '/Sample Reports/Sales Order Detail',
                                //Render Report Viewer in French locale
                                locale: "fr-FR"