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NuGet Packages for JavaScript

Refer to the following steps to configure Bold Reporting tools NuGet Packages for JavaScript application.

Configure NuGet feed URL

Online NuGet feed URL

The Bold Reporting tools NuGet packages are published to To configure the online packages use the following steps:

  1. Open your Visual Studio application.

  2. On the Tools menu, select Options.

  3. Expand the NuGet Package Manager and select Package Sources.

  4. Click the Add button (green plus), and enter the following Package Name and Package Source URL and click Update.



    Online NuGet Configure

Offline NuGet feed URL

Bold Reporting tools NuGet packages are shipped into our Report Platform SDK build. To configure the packages from Bold Reports® installed location use the following steps:

  1. Open your Visual Studio application.

  2. On the Tools menu, select Options.

  3. Expand the NuGet Package Manager and select Package Sources.

  4. Click the Add button (green plus), and enter the following Package Name and Package Source URL and click Update.

    Name: Bold Reports® installed NuGet

    Source: {System Drive}:\Program Files (x86)\Bold Reports\Reporting Tools\Nuget Packages.

    Offline NuGet Configure

    The system drive will vary based on the installed location in your machine.

Installing NuGet Packages

Install using NuGet Package Manager

The NuGet Package Manager can be used to search and install NuGet packages in the Visual Studio solution or project:

  1. On the Tools, menu, NuGet Package Manager | Manage NuGet Packages for Solution

  2. Alternatively, right-click on the project/solution in Solution Explorer tab, and choose Manage NuGet Packages

  3. By default, the package is selected in the Package source drop-down. Select package source and search the packages (BoldReports.Web) and Click Install button.

Install using Package Manager Console

To install the Reporting component using the Package Manager Console as NuGet packages,

  1. On the Tools menu, select NuGet Package Manager and then Package Manager Console.

  2. Run the following NuGet installation commands:

    #install specified package in default project
    Install-Package <Package Name>
    #install specified package in default project with specified package source
    Install-Package <Package Name> -Source <Source Location>
    #install specified package in specified project
    Install-Package <Package Name> - ProjectName <Project Name>

    For example:

    # install specified package in default project
    Install-Package BoldReports.Web
    #install specified package in default project with specified Package Source
    Install-Package BoldReports.Web –Source “”
    #install specified package in specified project
    Install-Package BoldReports.Web -ProjectName BoldReportingApplication

Upgrading NuGet packages

Upgrade using NuGet Package Manager

NuGet packages can be updated to their specific version or latest version available in the Visual Studio solution or project:

  1. On the Tools menu, NuGet Package Manager | Manage NuGet Packages for Solution… Alternatively, right-click on project/solution in the Solution Explorer tab, and choose Manage NuGet Packages

  2. Select the Updates tab to see the packages available for update from the desired package sources. Select the required packages and the specific version from the dropdown, and click the Update button.

Upgrade using Package Manger Console

To update the installed Bold Reporting tools NuGet packages using the Package Manager Console:

  1. On the Tools menu, select NuGet Package Manager, and then Package Manager Console.

  2. Run the following NuGet installation commands:

    #Update specific NuGet package in default project
    Update-Package <Package Name>
    #Update all the packages in default project
    #Update specified package in default project with specified package source
    Update-Package <Package Name> -Source <Source Location>
    #Update specified package in specified project
    Update-Package <Package Name> - ProjectName <Project Name>

    For example:

    #Update specified Bold Reporting NuGet package
    Update-Package BoldReports.Web
    #Update specified package in default project with specified Package Source
    Update-Package BoldReports.Web –Source “”
    #Update specified package in specified project
    Update-Package BoldReports.Web -ProjectName BoldReportingApplication

Upgrade using NuGet CLI

Using the NuGet CLI, all the NuGet packages in the project can be updated to the available latest version:

  1. Download the latest NuGet CLI from here.

    To update the existing nuget.exe to latest version use the following command:

    nuget update -self
  2. Open the downloaded executable location in the command window. Run the following “update commands” to update the Bold Reporting tools NuGet packages.

    #update all NuGet packages from config file
    nuget update <configPath> [options]
    #update all NuGet packages from specified Packages Source
    nuget update -Source <Source Location> [optional]

    configPath is optional. This identifies the package.config or solutions file lists the packages utilized in the project.

    For example:

    #Update all NuGet packages from config file
    nuget update “C:\Users\SyncfusionApplication\package.config”
    #Update all NuGet packages from specified Packages Source
    nuget update -Source “”

    Update command is not working as expected in Mono (Mac and Linux) and projects using PackageReference format.