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Connect to JSON data source

The Bold Reports® allows you to connect to the JSON data source that retrieves data from JSON file, a string in JSON format or a external URL.

How to create JSON data source

To configure the JSON data source, follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the Data icon in the configuration panel. Data icon configuration panel
  2. In the DATA configuration panel, click on the NEW DATA button. New Data Panel
  3. In the connection type panel, choose the JSON data source type. Connection types panel
  4. Specify the data source name without special characters, in Name field. JSON datasource properties

You can connect JSON data using the following three options,

  • Inline - Inline data
  • File Path - Load from disk
  • External - Load from external URL

Source types

Inline data

  1. Choose Inline in Type drop-down.

  2. Specify a string that contains JSON data in the Inline text area.

       "ID": 1,
       "IDBook": 1,
       "FirstName": "First Name 1",
       "LastName": "Last Name 1"
       "ID": 2,
       "IDBook": 1,
       "FirstName": "First Name 2",
       "LastName": "Last Name 2"
  3. Click on the Connect to proceed with query design pane. The query design pane will show the specified JSON data’s structure in left pane. Left schema

  4. Drag and drop the table from the left pane in the query design view page and execute. New connection panel

  5. Click Finish to save the data source with a relevant name to proceed with designing report. New connection panel

Load from disk

  1. Choose File option in Type field. Now, the upload option will start displaying like below. New connection panel
  2. Click on the three-dotted button to open upload box. Browse the JSON file and click open, New connection panel
  3. Click on the Connect to proceed with query design pane. New connection panel
  4. The query design pane will show the specified JSON data’s structure in left pane. Left schema
  5. Drag and drop the table from the left pane in the query design view page and execute. New connection panel
  6. Click Finish to save the data source with a relevant name to proceed with designing report. New connection panel

Load from external URL

  1. Choose External option in Type field. New connection panel

  2. Specify a external URL in the External text area. New connection panel

  3. Click on the Connect to proceed with query design pane. The query design pane will show the specified JSON data’s structure in left pane.

  4. Drag and drop the table from the left pane in the query design view page and execute. New connection panel

  5. Click Finish to save the data source with a relevant name to proceed with designing report. New connection panel

    Note: In schema tree, the nested fields in the JSON data will be shown as flat structure.

See also

Formatting Columns

Dataset Parameter